Greetings from Los Angeles. Just got here from Vegas. I’m here for a TV project that I can’t reveal just yet but will soon. And no it’s not TMS related. When there is news on that will let you know for sure! I’ll be here until Thursday and just found out Maiden is playing here Friday! Perhaps Ed Force One can take me back to NJ for staying an extra day? Thanks to Maiden manager Rod Smallwood who actually was worried about me not being at recent Maiden shows and checked up on me. It’s great to be busy, but sometimes the schedule prevents doing it all show-wise. It’s great to be back in LA where we shot so many episodes of TMS. I jumped out of my car just now and a guy walked by playing “We Rock” by Dio from his phone. Awesome!

For the first time in the history of my podcast I’ll do something I’ve threatened for a while. A no guest episode! Why? Because tons of stuff is going on, everyone wants GnR news, and I couldn’t do my radio show live tonight so that will serve as the update. There are some things I know I’ve been asked by Axl and his camp not to reveal yet. So I’ll record it tomorrow night in hopes of being to share everything by post time this Thursday.

One week from today on my SiriusXM show I’ll be announcing a very cool event for hard rockers that I’ll be hosting later in the year. More on that soon.

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