That Metal Show season 13 is wrapped! We filmed two shows yesterday in NYC. The first will premiere this Saturday night and feature all three members of The Winery Dogs, Vinnie Paul, and Michael from Volbeat from Denmark via Skype. The season finale that premieres a week from Saturday will feature Joe Satriami and then some laughs with Artie Lange and Jim Breuer. This was a fun show and a hell of a way to wrap our 13th season and longest with 12 total new shows. Yngwie SHREDS on both shows as our guest player. What an honor to have him play for us, still a total beast as you will see. Yngwie is a huge TMS fan and we were grateful he flew up from FL to blow away the crowd. It was great doing our latest season back home in the NYC area. Loved doing a show a week format (only did two this week because I am away next week) and we had a huge variety of guests from Nugent, to Mick Mars, to Peter Criss, to Lamb Of God, to Mick Jones. SO many great artists in a wide variety of rock and metal, many appearing for the first time on TMS. No small feat when you consider we have now done over 110 shows! Want to thank all the guests and all the fans for the support and hope you enjoy these last two weeks of new episodes. Where and when we do more new ones 100% up to VH1 Classic. Hearing likely in the Fall. More news when I know. But enjoy these final two new ones coming of Season 13!


Never thought I’d see the day Kiss would be on the cover of RS. Cool classic photo too! Haven’t read the story yet but have heard all about the quotes from various members. I have said my part about how I feel countless times. No need to keep rehashing here. Enjoying seeing all of your comments posted on this site.The complete story is now online and linked in the news section here on this site. ALL are welcome as long as it is respectfully done. In a matter of a couple weeks this event will be over and likely quickly forgotten. Kiss will go on with what they are doing, Ace and Peter will do what they do. Us as fans will decide what we do and don’t want to support and what we do and don’t like. This has been a crazy process for sure, and it sucks we won’t get one last original performance for a song or two, but at least as fans we will know that one of the HOF’s MANY injustices will be corrected and Kiss will be in the Hall after 15 years of snubs!


Speaking of the HOF, I was interviewed by the NY Post yesterday about it. Apparently there are about 4000 tickets still available for sale. Apparently there are larger issues to deal with than just no Kiss performance. Remember this event is NOT just about Kiss. Several bands are being honored. I suspect since Kiss isn’t playing they may just do their induction early on, but not sure yet on the schedule. I do plan on being there as a guest of Ace and Peter so will let you know more when I do.


Headed to Tampa FL tomorrow. Will be in Largo Friday night hosting the Jake E Lee show, then hosting the MOR Cruise Saturday thru Wednesday next week. Look forward to seeing everyone and please keep an eye on my twitter and the appearances page on this sites home page for info and updates. More dates and cities to come in what will be a busy Spring / Summer on the road!

118 Responses

  1. The only thing KISS-related I’m looking forward to now is Ace’s new record. I used to hold onto hope that maybe one day there would be one last reunion, but this hall of fame thing was a real reality check. KISS is gone, and so are the Gene & Paul that I thought existed when I was younger. They seem like strangers to me now.

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