Wow, just waking up after a very late night last night and seeing the incredible response to Ace’s announcement on my show last night that he and Peter are not being allowed to play with the original band being inducted by Gene and Paul. I was aware this was coming and have been a sounding board in many conversations with many different parties ever since the HOF was announced for Kiss. Nobody was going to say anything publicly because everyone had hoped an announcement like Ace made could be avoided and at least the original band could do a song or two. The news had to come from Ace or Peter when they were ready and Ace asked me last night if he could come on because he needed to let the fans know what they were dealing with before they purchased tickets to attend (they go on sale Monday). That’s why this happened somewhat last minute on my show late last night. Tons of fans were going to come from all over and pay God knows what to see the original band, the band being inducted. Now there is transparency as to what is going on and that there are no plans for a reunion that night. As a fellow Kiss fan and someone who has been extremely vocal about them getting into the HOF for years, I join the MANY really disappointed today. The comments section of my site has blown up about this as well as my social media. Everyone has their view here and all opinions welcome as always. My understanding is Peter will also be posting a statement soon on his site if not already and is in the same position as Ace.


A few things now that this news is out:


Gene and Paul had to know this was coming at some point. What is strange however is that Gene in his initial RS interview seemed open to playing. It was Paul who had a different take via Twitter. The word out there for a while now is Paul is calling the shots in Kiss world. Wonder how much internally they are on the same page on this? Especially with the fallout so far from fans?


Does Kiss play at all? Could be one solution to all of this. That nobody plays. That would likely maybe get Ace and Peter to at least attend. Would the HOF accept a tribute vs a Kiss performance? If current Kiss plays, as it looks now, this also puts Tommy and Eric in quite a spot. They take their orders from above but hard to imagine they would want to be in that spot. But who knows? They did it during VH1 Rock Honors, but this is much bigger and only original band going in.


I was contacted last night by the HOF producer Joel Gallen. He may come on the air with me at some point. He said the HOF position is that they are inducting the original 4 and that is who they would like to play. But the HOF will not dictate Kiss can not play if they are only willing to do it with the current band. Meaning they will accept current Kiss if that is all the owners of Kiss (Gene & Paul) are willing to do, but it is not their preference. He also said nothing was decided as to what will now happen with the Kiss performance and he was hoping maybe something could still be worked out. Seems unlikely at this point since this event is rapidly approaching, Ace and Peter would need time to reconnect and rehearse with Gene and Paul, and needless to say feelings are very bruised at the moment. My take is you will either see the current band or no version of Kiss play. Also will be interesting to see if the massive backlash from fans about no original performance pressures what happens now in some way.


I have read many comments saying Gene & Paul’s decision is ego driven. While that may play some role if you read previous posts here about this I have written I truly think it is more BUSINESS driven. When you spend over ten years selling the “it doesn’t matter who is in the band” concept, and rebranding Kiss to be a franchise where they say members don’t matter, this is not good for that master plan. Why? Because it wipes all that work away and shows it DOES matter! Look no further for proof than the MTV unplugged taping. When Ace & Peter walked out for 2 songs at the end they saw how huge it was and had to do a reunion in ’96. In other words it’s a big can of worms to open and hurts their ultimate plan to sell Kiss as a franchise where members are interchangeable. No matter what, unlike ’96 there would never be a reunion tour no matter what happened. As a fan honestly I wouldn’t even want to see it. In your 40’s possible, 60’s now, no way. A show? A few songs? Sure. But fans thinking there could be a full reunion tour? Never saw that remotely possible.


Do Ace & Peter go now? I feel this is a personal decision that only they can make. There is no right or wrong answer. It is their honor and up to how they feel if they want to stand up there even for 3 minutes. Time will tell as we get closer what they do. With performance off the table as of now they can make a decision I would think right up to a day or two before. I see both sides of it and the feelings involved and really think it is all up to how they feel.


Do Gene and Paul go? Sounds crazy but who knows? Paul clearly has no love for this process from his recent interview in RS. Do they send a statement and just check out of the whole thing? Unlikely but who knows?


Much of the blame here is being pointed toward Gene and Paul. And rightfully so in the sense that according to Ace and all sources they are the ones saying they won’t play with the original band, but the HOF has plenty of blame here also. Why? BECAUSE THEY WAITED 15 YEARS TO PUT KISS IN! Think about this; if they put Kiss in in 1999 when they first became eligible (and SHOULD have gone in), this would be a non issue! Because the original band was together then! The HOF can also be blamed for just caving to what Gene & Paul want and not considering Ace and Peter in this. If they said to Kiss (G&P) only band being inducted or nobody plays at least it would have been a level playing field. But as the HOF told me they will not do that because whoever controls the name is who they ultimately leave the performance parameters up to.


Much can still happen here. Remember although we are focused on Kiss as Kiss fans, there are 7 other bands going in that have to play as well. Although Kiss fans may dominate this event (how much so now with no reunion I don’t know), the other inductees need their moment and performance too. So who knows when it gets to budgets and stage specs what whatever version of Kiss plays agrees to and if it all works out.


All of this can be debated and discussed forever but those are some of my thoughts. As always my doors remains open to ALL to discuss and debate and members of the HOF may very well come on the air with me as they have in the past when I was screaming to get Kiss in the damn thing! Ace and Peter are scheduled to come on TMS together next month. More on that when we get closer. For most Kiss fans this news sucks big time, but there’s still about 7 weeks left to see what unfolds.. All we know as of now is that their is no performance for the original band planned or being allowed by Gene and Paul. We have been told for decades that the FANS are the boss of Kiss. Judging from the reaction to this news this is one instance that clearly does not apply..


Sorry for any typos, been a long late night last night. All comments welcome and being posted ASAP.

183 Responses

  1. I pose this question to Eddie. As a fan what would you like to see happen? Forget that you know all of the member’s in question. As a LONG TIME KISS fan what would you like to see?

  2. Take it or Leave it? I take it. I mean on one hand I am sick of all the ‘he said, she said’ drama. Paul and Gene (at least) say one thing in the beginning and later change their tune and say a completely different thing and now are trying to cover up their tracks and make it all better. Ace and Peter have been pretty much consistent in their statements all along. But if no one can agree and can’t put aside their differences and play a song or two for the fans and the legacy of the music, then I really don’t wanna see any form of KISS play.

    On the other hand, it makes sense in what Paul and Gene said in their statement in that if the RRHOF won’t induct the entire lineup then why play at all. I mean I can see where Vinny Vincent and Mark St. John may not care about KISS or playing with KISS at RRHOF. But for members like Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer, and Tommy Thayer and if Eric Carr was still here, those members will feel left out if just the 4 original play and vice versa if KISS were to play with Eric and Tommy, Peter and Ace might get upset and more drama would ensue. Plus if the entire band isn’t inducted thats like a big fuck you to the non original members and the legacy of KISS as a whole especially since other bands have been inducted with the entire lineup, past and present. There really should be an across the board rule that says something like original members inducted first then the different and current lineups follow or if you induct a band induct the entire lineup, past and present. But the RRHOF doesn’t have that. Their rule it seems basically is induct whomever the hall wishes on a case by case or band by band basis. So in essence, the Hall could induct Ace by himself for KISS and not his solo career and not induct the rest of the band. Which is really a shitty thing to do since KISS would NOT be here today had it not been for Vinnie Vincent, Eric Carr, Mark St. John, Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer, and Tommy Thayer taking over the reigns after Peter and Ace first left and when they left again after the reunion tour.

    As a HUGE fan of KISS, I am completely fine with KISS not playing the RRHOF! To many issues and Gene and Paul are really on the verge of tarnishing the legacy of KISS if they keep up all this drama crap. I would rather they not play and stop all the drama and just enjoy being inducted and not cause any harm to the legacy of KISS!

  3. After reading Peter’s book, I can’t blame them for not wanting to share the stage with him. Read Ace’s book too, and have nothing but love for him. Ace is my fav.

  4. First, thank you Eddie for allowing us the chance to voice our opinions on a band that has meant so much to so many. Wrong is wrong and this is disrespectful regardless of the “business model/ branding”. That is total b.s. Kiss now is just another cover band. I hope Ace and Peter read our comments and feel the love and respect we have for them. As for the comments about Ace an Peter not showing up and having session players fill inGene did the same while dating Cher and starting his “movie career”. Ace and Peter contributed on the early albums and their LIVE performances is what made KISS! Bob Ezrin destroyed Kiss with his style of producing. Destroyer was a hit.commercially but Ezrin convinced Paul and.Gene to change their style. Other than Beth, Peter didnt sing on any other songs or as a backup. The combination of.all their voices contributing on a variety of songs disappeared. Aces solos got smaller or nonexistant thanks to Ezrin. Eddie Kramer captured the real Kiss on the albums he produced. I became a fan when I was 8 and im now 45. I saw Kiss on the reunion tour and loved it. They may not have played perfect but it was Gene, Paul, Ace and Peter, the rock gods i grew up loving. I dont like the kiss.cover band now ( its pretty tacky for Tommy and Eric to act like Ace and Peter) so i dont buy the tickets or merchandise or go to the concerts. KISS should have quit after the reunion tour. Led Zeppelin did it right when John Bohnam died. It wasnt Led Zeppelin without the 4 who started it. Eddie tell Ace come to Cincinnati if you tour with your new album! We would love to see ya! Thumbs up to you and Peter for thinking of the fans and releasing this info before anyone wasted any hard earned money.

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