Just back from hosting the Def Leppard cruise after being stuck in S FL for a couple days after due to snow in NJ. This is the first time I’ve been able to log in here. Have much to catch up on but a few quick things:

The cruise was not the “Cruise from hell” as it was dubbed by TMZ when they ran a clip of me announcing Jimmy Bain’s death this morning on their site. Yes Jimmy’s passing was tragic and sad. But it happened quietly in his cabin alone on the ship. There was no sign of any foul play and nobody on board saw it. An autopsy is still to come. I saw Jimmy last Wednesday night at the pre party and he did tell me he was not feeling well, but played the show and did fine. By all accounts he had been sober over a year. I know he had a history but tales of things surrounding his death have been greatly sensationalized to say the least. The ship and staff handled it well and Last In Line did the best they could. We did a nice memorial on board and the band played a short set with Eric Brittingham sitting in. RIP Jimmy and condolences to his friends and family.

Joe Elliott did have an issue with his voice. It even resulted in the band postponing a show on their current tour. Joe and I both filled the crowd in on what was going on. Leppard played a short set with lead vocals (very good ones I may add!) by Phil Collen, Vivian Campbell, Eric Martin, Kip Winger and Andrew Freeman. What hasn’t been reported much is that Leppard are giving EVERY fan on the ship a free ticket to see them again anywhere in the world they want to go. This was far from an ideal situation but again handled well and most fans were appreciative and saw a unique Lep set to say the least.

The weather. It wasn’t great. It also wasn’t awful the whole time at all. You can’t do anything about weather. I took a vacation cruise last year that went to Canada in the Winter instead of Caribbean. It happens. It’s mother nature. I’m home now in NJ. You want to see bad weather? Come here!

I’m not trying to make excuses here. Just some reality because of course much is being reported by people not on the ship! I was, and most had a great time and many other great bands played. And with the concessions from the band for Joe not singing I think they are being as fair as possible. I’ll discuss more when I am back live on air this Monday. Thanks to all I hung with on board. Bring on MORC next month!

THANK YOU to all asking about TMS. We are and will try ALL outlets for a new home. But it isn’t as easy as just calling out a network. I will keep you posted when we have news. But appreciate ALL the support!

New podcast tomorrow with Dave Mustaine. More soon.

8 Responses

  1. Thanks for that, Eddie. We were on the trip and it was a fantastic experience. We got to see Jimmy’s last performance, we got to see Def Leppard with an all-star cast singing lead for the first time ever, and we got to meet almost all the guys from the bands (never did see Tom Keifer roaming around like the rest but whatever). “Cruise from hell” couldn’t be further from the truth. Memories for a lifetime is what we took away from it.

    Mainly, just wanted to give you kudos for the calm, professional way that you handled all the craziness.

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