Huge thanks to Peter Criss for coming into the studio and hanging for over two hours last night on my Q104/syndicated show. Peter was happy and healthy and sharing so many amazing stories about his life in and out of Kiss. We also gave away copies of his great new book. Also played all Kiss music as we celebrated the 22nd annual Merry KISSmas. Really had a blast and the response to Peter being so open about so many things has been phenomenal. I’m also getting the usual tons of requests about how to hear it again. Like all FM radio shows what I do live on Friday nights on Q104 NYC replays on all affiliate stations the following weekend. So next weekend all stations and online outlets that air my show will be broadcasting what aired last night. You can also tune into these stations streams at the day and time listed to hear if they are outside your area. It’s all 100% free. So many places and ways to hear this show again including WAAF Boston next Sunday starting at 7P. All outlets listed on this site under Broadcasts/Syndication.

Thanks to Peter for his visit! See you for our final live show of 2012 on SiriusXM Monday starting at 6P ET channel 39.


Also if you ordered signed books from me for the holidays and have not yet received them I am awaiting more stock. I’ll sign and ship orders that arrived last week by Wed and they should make it to you by Christmas. Order info is on the home page under Headlines. Book 2 is done, and coming later next year!


I do not have news yet on the next season of TMS. After the holidays VH1 will let me know the plan and I’ll share then. Thanks


Please follow on Twitter @EddieTrunk for up to the second news, photos and more.


Sincere thoughts and prayers for the victims of the CT school shootings. It is evil beyond words and as a parent with two kids in elementary school myself I can not comprehend what the families of the kids and faculty are dealing with.

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