Great news today as VH1 Classic has officially ordered another season of That Metal Show! Many have asked about when new shows would be coming and to be honest we were wondering soon. As I have said many times, VH1 owns and controls the show and makes all decisions as to when, where and how we do it. Got the notice today and we will be doing all new episodes sometime in April that I imagine will start airing shortly after. Very early in the process and no details yet, but will keep you all posted as to where and when the shows tape, guests, and how to get tickets when I know. Appreciate all your support and good to know more TMS is on the way! More when I know and can share.

329 Responses

  1. As always its a great show and my number one stop for hard rock/metal related information and informed entertainment. And I absolutely realize that the talent is not calling the shots so much as the production team. But I would ask only if the shows talent would feel Steven Wilson and his music has reached a level of receiving some sort of recognition. Not asking if he should appear on the show , just wondering if he is considered relevant by the on screen talent? And thanks regardless of an answer , its a fantastic program even if its not in HD 🙂

  2. Hi Eddie , very very sad day , FOXTEL AUSTRALIA tell me that they are not going to air 2013 season of THAT METAL SHOW , so I think now that myself and many thousands of metalheads maybe don’t need to watch Foxtel anymore . I did look forward to watching your show , I have seen every episode prior to 2013 …… I just don’t understand networks , I know for a fact that it rated well down under ?????????

  3. Eddie,
    Great job with the show and congrats on another SEASON!!!!
    Love to see if the Network or Ice T would be down for a visit???

    Body Count Rocked the early 90’s Metal Scene with a very successful crossover for Ice T from Rap to metal. Love that Album more each time I listen to it!!!
    Ernest C rocks that Metal Guitar!!
    Would be cool to see Ice T visit you 3 Knuckleheads!!!:)

  4. Hi Eddie, not been much of a TV guy for years (if you got time, you practice playing guitar instead of watching TV) but I got turned onto the show this year and boy am I hooked. I DVR the stuff like mad and get an episode a day, so I’m happy now, (chuckle). I’m a local boy and plan on coming to a show to try for a shot to Stump the Trunk, being a rock and roll trivia kook and all meself. You are a gift to us rockers and metal heads and Don and Jim should be proud n’ pleased to be in your presence, those buttheads! Much gratitude for all the hard work and effort to produce quality programming in this modern era of crap, and you know what I mean. PS, Bon era AC/DC is better than coffee in the morning as far as I’m concerned.

  5. Hey man, love the show, but have you ever considered asking Buckethead to be the guest guitarist? You never know…he just might do it, just don’t ask him to speak.

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