Due to bad weather here in Northern NJ the benefit scheduled for tonight for Karl Cochran has been rescheduled for 12/6. Hope to see you at Dingbatz then.

Bummed to hear the news about both Sean Drover and Chris Broderick leaving Megadeth. I don’t think there is really much more behind it than both musicians wanting to move on. Lets be honest, Megadeth IS Dave Mustaine. And whenever you have an arrangement where one person is the dominant writer and runs the show most bands don’t have decades together. Megadeth has had many many players in its history. I’m sure Dave will find more great guys to fill the void and I wish Sean and Chris the best. More when I know.

All new Eddie Trunk Podcast goes up tomorrow for your Thanksgiving enjoyment with Scott Ian and Chris Jericho together. Coming soon Carmine Appice & Joe Lynn Turner, David Coverdale, Dave Lombardo and Bob Rock. New every Thursday on Itunes and www.podcastone.com

My FM/syndicated radio show this weekend is all new with an extra helping of your favorite artists for the holiday weekend. Long sets from some of your favorite artists. Debuts Friday 11P ET on Q104.3 NYC and WAAF Boston. Don’t forget to vote now for the theme shows on the home page!

For your holiday hard rock shopping both of my books are available personalized and signed by me however you want. Hit the “Books” tab under Media on this site. Also check out my shirts, hats and more in the merch store on the site.

Please check the new dates added and changed on the home page for my appearances. Just added Austin TX (Original Emo’s), Cincinnati (MVPs) and Pittsburgh (Rex Theater). I’ll be in Oaks PA outside of Philly this Friday for All Things That Rock 1-4P. Both of my books signed and sold.

Have a happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here in the U.S.A. Best to all! New TMS coming 2/21/15!


28 Responses

  1. I’m willing to bet the amount of comments on this site will go down drastically now that people can’t hide behind their screens and say dumb stuff just to piss people off. I enjoyed the drama and name calling from Internet tough guys but I will admit it’s not for everyone.

    1. The amount of comments will go down for a while, but they will build back up again. There was probably one or two people on here who were just posting under many different names…those were the ones who were basically throwing crap around that were either outright lies or just insults hurled at Eddie.

      Like the a-hole who was posting about Ace Frehley being on probation, being turned away from the Salvation Army, saying Eddie was a liar, etc. It must be killing him not to be able to come on here anonymously and post crap just to start fights. I’m not an Ace fan but that guy was way out of line…glad he’s gone.

    2. Yeah, that guy/girl was a douche for sure but there was some other internet tough guys who entertained me with their immeasurable stupidity.

      I voted for KISS but if the top 3 make it we should be allowed to vote more than once. Makes sense to me. Can we vote more than once? If not than see below…


    3. Larry,

      Disagreement is fine. It’s when it becomes nasty and immature involving name calling, bullying and belittling that is ruins the spirit of a healthy debate. I have always said on here, ad nauseam, that is it easy to name call and fight dirty. However, it takes a certain art and finesse to convey one thoughts in a mature, articulate fashion.

      Dana from ET.com 🙂

    4. That’s fine Larry,

      While I wasn’t the one who changed the rules, I have posted on other sites where they are a bit more restrictive, and I have never encountered an issue nor felt policed. Also, the only reason why some of the posts seemed tamer is because I edited out the personal insults. For example, is it really necessary to call someone an idiot, moron or a loser who lives in their mom’s basement in order to make ones point?

      Also, I found the people who came on here with sole intent just to insult and degrade Eddie, pathetic. If you don’t like Eddie, why the heck are you even here? In my opinion, take that venom and vitriol to Blabbermouth where they find that kind of tone much more acceptable.

      D 🙂

    5. I like good debate, and when I disagree with somebody on here I will not be shy about stating why and putting my point across.

      But Larry, you have to agree that when people on here post outright lies and call people liars, idiots, morons, whatever…that isn’t real debate or discussion. Those people are trolls trying to cause fires like an arsonist does and then run and hide. At least this way we can all know (somewhat) who we are talking to and have a small amount of transparency so hitting and running isn’t so easy.

    6. Agreed. But it would had been nice had Dana posted instructions on how to register to post comments on this site again. I emailed every address I could find on this site, Eddie included. Ironically there is no contact info for the webmaster! Anyhow I finally figured it out, but will leave it up to Dana to post those instructions.

    7. I will gladly do that now Medved, but you could have e-mailed me. 🙂

      These instructions are courtesy of the great David S.:

      Upper right under all access membership, if already registered just click the login link. It will call for a username and password which he would have already chosen.

      If he isnt registered, under the same tab click membership sign up to register and set up a new username and password. He can choose either the pay or free option; either will allow him to post. It requires a valid email to register.

      Hope that helps,
      D from ET.com 🙂

    8. Medved,

      My name used to be highlighted in red in the byline of articles and when I posted comments. If one were to click on my red name, my e-mail should have come up. However, since everyone now has to register, I notice my name is no longer red. If you want to make note of it, my e-mail for the site is: [email protected].

      Dana 🙂

    9. Thanks to Doug R. for letting me know my name has return to red.

      However, when I clicked on my name, it diverts back to the site. Please know that I can be reached at the above e-mail, should anyone need to contact me.

      D 🙂

    10. Don’t feel bad Medved, it took me days as well to figure it out! If it wasn’t for David C., Dana, and somebody from [email protected], I’d probably still be trying to figure out how to register! 😉

  2. Wow, Rush is strong in the end of the year special poll. I was thinking…is any lead singer more vital to a band than Geddy Lee is for Rush? There are the obvious answers…Mick Jagger for the Stones, Steven Tyler for Aerosmith…but when you think of the “sound” of Rush nothing stands out more than Lee’s unique voice…not sure anyone anywhere can sing like he does.

    Have had a great day so far on Thanksgiving…AC/DC live at River Plate, family all here, Cowboys losing, turkey in the oven roasting. Now I just need my Niners to win tonight…

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