Hope everyone had a great weekend. Spent most of it watching football and celebrating my daughter’s 10th birthday (Happy Birthday Elizabeth!). What a Championship Sunday we have next week. Can’t ask for more than the 2 top teams in each conference. Can’t wait! Weird to think the Super Bowl is taking place about 20 miles from where I live. This area soon to become pretty nuts I suspect.


My schedule is also about to become really nuts in a good way as That Metal Show season 13 is here! Have a full day of run throughs tomorrow in NYC and will see the latest set for the first time. It has been four years since we did TMS in NYC so it should be different for sure. Honestly I don’t care where we do it as long as we do it! All 12 new shows we will shoot over the course of the next 12 weeks are almost fully booked in advance. Pretty amazing and thanks to all the artists who have shown so much interest in wanting to be a part of our show. Incredible how it has grown in the US and around the world and thanks to YOU for that! The complete list of guests confirmed will be released Tuesday by VH1 and of course here in the space as well. Many first time guests and some returning favorites, plus a very diverse roster from rock, hard rock, metal, new and classic. First episode tapes this Tuesday, you will see it this Saturday 11P ET on VH1 Classic. Please note despite Palladia running some TMS in HD this weekend, the show and the new episodes will only be on VH1C. This is a network decision. TMS has become the flagship show for VH1C and they want the audience coming to that channel to see the new shows. It blows it’s not yet an HD channel. Nothing I can do about that. We will see what the future holds. But VH1C is the home for the new shows and all replays during the week. I’ll let you know when Palladia does another special with us again. Zakk Wylde, M Shadows, Jason Hook our guests in show 1 debuting this Saturday!


Keep an eye on the home page for listings of the many shows always being added. In the “Live Appearances & Signings” section, those are shows I will be at for sure and all also include book signing/selling for both books. PLEASE NOTE, live shows with me, Don and Jim, or the solo show I am doing in Houston 2/8, are NOT TMS tapings! If they are advertised as such it is wrong. They are live stand up shows only. Some will also feature live bands after we do our thing. If these are being misrepresented it is not by us. So please know that if coming out. Hope to see you and it is a great time, but they are not TV tapings.


Zakk Wylde in studio live with me tomorrow at 6P ET for a live TRUNKNation show. See you 6-10P ET on SiriusXM channel 39 for music and talk that rocks. Follow on Twitter for many more updates from the set @EddieTrunk

16 Responses

  1. I really appreciate what you do for the music i have loved since i was 10 years old. I am now 51 and it awesome sharing this music wiyh my daughter. You do an awesome job with everything from TMS to both your books which i have! Hope there is a third.

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