Two great shows this weekend with Don and Jim in Buffalo and Syracuse. Amazing crowds and thanks to all who came out to The Waiting Room and The Palace Theater. Really was a blast and the promoters were great to work with as well. So much fun doing these stage shows, more TBA for 2016.
That Metal Show replays on VH1 Classic now until 5P ET. News on the new season when I have it but won’t be before 2016.
Next live appearance for me Thanksgiving Eve Kenosha WI. Info on the home page.
Whitford/St Holmes at BBs in NYC this Wednesday. See you there. ET Box Office winners notified shortly. Also King Diamond this Thursday-Saturday at Play Station Theater (Best Buy). Ticket winners also notified soon.
Live SiriusXM show tonight 6-10P ET channel 39 TRUNKNation. Vivian Campbell calls in live from Australia to premiere new Last In Line music, plus Eric Martin in studio and Brad Whitford Aerosmith calls in.
There is so much conflicting info on the GnR stuff I’m not even going to deal with it until something real from a band member is announced. It is total madness the rumors and reporting being done considering the “sources” being quoted. All I’ll say is something must be up because not one person involved in Guns has issued a statement of denial. It could happen, it could blow up, at any time. Maybe it did already, maybe an announcement is coming. But I won’t get involved in the baseless rumor nonsense going on now and feed into that. Makes zero sense unless from a real credited source.
Thoughts with all those lost and injured by the latest attacks from terrorist animals in Paris. This must be stopped!
4 Responses
Eddie, it was a pleasure to meet you guys in Buffalo ! Great show. Great stories about Ace and the GNR rumors. Rock on !
its part of the build up for tickets,it is going to happen,n they will play the superbowl halftime show.and axl will show up 2 hours late.100 plus million dollars,way too much coin to leave on the table.get ready for the circus to come to town,but I want axl to show up,not the johnny dep look alike,bring back the kilt axl,jump in the crowd,n go crazy.hope steven adler gets an invite??how bout those giants trunk
Thanks for having Brad Whitford on, can’t wait to catch the Boston show tomorrow night. I loved the Last In Line tune, but has anyone told Vivian that Vinnie also has a new band with Craig Goldy? Could be trouble!
I’m glad to see Brad get out there and show his stuff. I felt his guitar contributions were not reflected in the videos, but he was a huge part of those classic records that inspired millions of guitar players, many of them thinking it was just Joe Perry. Also,Derek St. Holmes is so much better of a singer than Ted Nugent, it’s not even funny.