Greetings from San Louis Potosi Mexico. Tonight is show 2 of the Deep Purple tour here that I have been honored to be asked to host. It has been amazing being on this tour already and 2 more weeks to go. I have met SO many amazing Mexican fans and taken many many pictures. Last night Ian Gillan was nice enough to invite me to an amazing dinner. I sat with Ian 4 hours eating, drinking and hearing stories from a true rock legend. Soaked it up like a sponge! All the Purple guys have been great so far and sound amazing, and In Flames opening is different but working well actually. Cool guys also. I have also been flying to come cities private with Purple, but will also be driving to a few due to differences in our schedules (I have to do radio most weekdays). But so far so good early on and promoter George Santos and his crew assigned to me (Julio and Fidel) have been great! And don’t forget my daily SiriusXM show will still be live most days 2-4P ET on 106 (no Hair Nation show on Monday for a few weeks). So listen then or to the replay and follow all the action as well. Purple members will be on soon also. More via Twitter @ EddieTrunk . Updates here when I can. Also if you are in Mexico and coming to these shows I usually do a free meet & greet by merch in the lobby’s around 8P for 45 minutes or so.

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