I’ve seen SO many comments about Ace & Peter reuniting at my party, Kiss (as usual), the R&R Hall and Gene’s comments about Ace & Peter not playing, and more. Last night on the radio show had MANY calls on the topic with many opinions. I welcome all opinions as usual if based in some level of reality and not just blind worshipers one way or the other that drink the Kool Aid they are served. The biggest question I have heard from many is why would Gene & Paul (Gene most recently) continue to talk about what fuck ups these guys are (he hasn’t played with them in over ten years), talk about them being drunk or on drugs (both have been sober for many years now), and say they can’t play at a Hall induction when Kiss has not even been inducted yet (no matter how you feel, that is just INSANE!). The answer is simple. Gene is the ultimate salesman. He prides himself on this, that is no secret. His job is to sell THIS Kiss. Just like it was to sell all the other lineups when that was happening. Explains why he will tell you THIS Kiss is bigger than anything, when in reality they CO HEADLINE tours with Motley Crue instead of HEADLINING arenas in the US. Explains why he takes subtle shots about Ace & Peter doing signing shows, when he and Paul sell signed played guitars to fans after shows. Not a huge difference from what I see? But it’s about selling whatever he is doing and Kiss is doing now, which will soon be a sanctioned Kiss tribute with no original members. And who knows, that might be a pretty good band. Many will say the same old “Eddie is just backing up his friends, only cares about the original band”. Yes Ace & Peter are friends and did an amazing thing playing together for me recently. But I’m more just trying to offer some balance and objectivity as a lifelong Kiss fan myself, who HAS supported and loved all the replacement members and lineups. I simply chose not to support what they have been doing lately because the impersonation rubs me (and MANY others who won’t say it) the wrong way. That’s my huge sin to some I guess, so be it.

The real reason these barbs in the press from them continue at Ace & Peter is because they know the avalanche that would happen if they ever played with them again from fans and the media. Example? I was at the 1996 MTV Unplugged taping. Then they were all about the non makeup lineup with Singer and Kulick. That’s what they were selling then. When Ace & Peter came out for a brief appearance on a couple songs the entire crowd went nuts. From the second they stepped on that stage the electricity was insane, and they knew they had no choice but to go back to that band no matter how hard they were selling the Singer/Kulick band and about to release a new album with them. I felt a very similar energy in the crowd when Ace & Peter walked out on stage together at my event last Wednesday, right down to the ear to ear smiles from every fan and musician in the building! So I see it as a big defense mechanism by Gene & Paul. They know another reunion, even for a song, would ignite a huge fire once again. For the record I do NOT think there should be another original Kiss reunion. For a couple songs at a long overdue Hall induction, for sure! But for a tour, no way. I don’t think ANY of the original members could deliver enough of a high energy show to do the legacy justice at this stage. As I have said MANY times the current Kiss can and should do whatever they want. The fact that it’s not for me doesn’t matter. If you are cool with it enjoy what’s left of it. But the idea of the original band FINALLY getting into the Hall (and I must stress they were nominated before and passed over once already, so NOT a done deal!) and Ace & Peter not being invited and welcome to at least play a song or two would be a travesty to even the most hardcore Kiss fan. I look forward to your comments.

173 Responses

  1. Eddie, I have to agree with you, it would be an injustice to all the fans from the original line up days if Ace and Peter were not involved if the induction happens, I think that Gene and Paul need to put all that animosity behind them if for nothing else for the fans who like yourself have been there from the start of this thing and realize that it’s not just them going in to the hall but all of us who stuck by the band are going in with them.

  2. Eddie, First off let me start by saying I respect you,and am proud of your incredible contribution to the best genre of music around. You are a big reason for its continued exposure and success. That being said sir I have been dying to express to you my feelings about the band that to ME is and always has been the hottest in the world. I love the original lineup,other lineups,and I do love the current line up..I know my Kiss history like you backwards and forwards. It however offends me to be lumped in with “those that drink the koolaid” meaning I suppose those like myself that love old and current Kiss. I’m a KISS fan. I love Gene,Paul,Ace,Peter,Eric Carr,Vinnie Vincent,Bruce,Eric Singer,and Tommy. I buy Ace and Peters albums and books the day they come out and I buy the Kiss
    albums. I don’t need “Dogboy” or Hawk make up designs on Eric and Tommy to love them as kiss members. Eric has what? 16+ years in Kiss and paid his dues for my respect. He stands and twirls the

  3. Great thoughts Eddie. As a ardent KISS fan, I will be done with them if they get into the Hall and do not invite Ace and Peter. I believe those guys ruined their careers, but they are 2 of the 4 pillars of that great band. I remember how sadthe VH induction was and GnR and couple of years ago. There is only one induction ceremony and Gene and Paul need to put their egos aside and celebrate with the fans. We dont want Tommy and Eric in the Hall.

  4. Part 2 of my comment..I apologize..Eric signer stands a lot live when he springs up and twirls the sticks much more and differently than Peter plays. With Tommy I have seen live 8 times and each time played part of his solo behind his head!..again I love Ace very much too but that ISN’T impersonating Ace. He DOES wear the design Ace created I know and same for Eric.I guess my point sir is that I don’t need them dressed as Dogboy or whatever to again..love and respect them. As for Gene and Paul controlling Kiss..they have been there fighting the fight 40 years and they deserve credit for all their songwriting and ing and keepin kiss relevant. I know sir you are influential and awesome but YOU know the small time and material relative to Gene and Paul 40 yrs that actually featured Ace and Peter..already by destroyer others played on albums,later Anton Fig for even Dynasty and all of Unmasked and Gene and Paul kept going. We don’t have to be disillusioned with “koolaid”,sir to love current Kiss..I’m a

    1. When people say “kool- aid” they are referring to someone ( in this case Gene and Paul ) feeding people half truth’s and exageration’s to sell and/or excuse their greedy decisions about their product .
      Alot of fans are starstruck and dont want to believe their hero’s would lie to them. Gene and Paul are master’s of this . I could go on with many time’s over the year’s they have contradicted themselves.
      Your reference to ” Dogboy” came directly out of Paul’s mouth 10 years ago . He picked the dumbest name he could think of to help sell his current product and you bought it . Many of today’s audience are people that only own a Kiss” Greatist Hits” album but will go check out kiss live for the first time( Kiss’ main source of income) with wife and kids ( family jewels, dr. pepper commercials. nascar marshals at events ,etc etc all help sell their brand.
      The problem with this is what Kiss has done to their loyal , long time fans . Alot have left.
      The problem with this for people like me that have supported them for 38 years is they dont care about me. They dont respect Peter and Ace and they sure dont respect the original makeup.
      Do you really think Gene and Paul would have been able to sell tickets well now if it hadent been for Ace & Peter getting the makeup going again . Gene would have never been able to bring the makeup back without Ace& Pete intially getting it going in 96 . Nobody would have went to the show’s . They went from selling 1/2 full arena’s in the 80′s and 90′s ( like Eddie said ) to sellout’s with Ace and Pete.

      Catman, Spaceman,Demon, And Starchild are not characters in a childrens story book but human beings and their names are Peter,Ace,Gene,and Paul.

    2. I feel the same way you do Bro. Betrayed. kiss concerts are not cool anymore. Just family friendly entertainment….that’s not what rock is about. It’s about rebellion. I agree with everything you said. You speak the truth.

  5. Eddie I cannot agree more. I love Kiss and have since Destroyer came out. What Gene and Paul have done to the Kiss “brand” is now comical…Hello Kitty and even the LA Kiss….I still buy the cd’s!! I do think they should hang it up….I don’t think they are good live any more imo!!
    BTW I had blast at your party……….Bello does a unreal Stanley impression and the Winery Dogs were incredible!!

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