Incredible night last night in NYC as so many fans, family and friends, and amazing musicians, gathered to celebrate 30 years of my radio show. I am pressed for time so can’t get into too much here, but it truly was one of the most special nights of my life. Best performance yet by The Winery Dogs who just rocked beyond belief! Then the jams were just crazy great. SO many amazing talents celebrating my radio show I was truly floored and honored beyond words. Thanks to each and every one of them! There will be a ton of audio, video and photos pumped out, some out already. Some of the night was filmed by VH1C for a segment in an upcoming new TMS. Audio was pro recorded. HUGE thanks to Mike Portnoy for working so hard on the jams, and to the Hard Rock NYC and my dear friend John Pasquale for putting it on. Thanks also to Mark Menghi and Samson/Zoom for sponsoring. TONS more to tell you and I will on the radio shows when back live Monday.


Of course the biggest news from the night was that Ace Frehley and Peter Criss came to the event. I knew both were coming but I had no idea both would play, together no less! There has been some friction between the two over recent years (read Peter’s book), but I found out today that the two said they wanted to jam and reconnect out of respect to me and our friendship and the spirit of the night. So for the first time in 13 years Ace and Peter reconnected, laughed, and jammed! It was EPIC and the electricity in the room when they came out was incredible. To see Peter looking great and behind the kit, singing and playing great, was so awesome to see as a fan and friend. Same with Ace. Just electric when he plugged in! Ace did Parasite with an all star band, Peter did Hooligan. Love Her All I Can and R&R All Night was played by Ace & Peter. Every member of all the bands there was watching and smiling ear to ear, none more than Frank Bello, Billy Sheehan, Scott Ian and Mike Portnoy, who backed them on some songs and are huge fans. I was in the crowd watching everything but while waiting to play Ace & Peter sat backstage together telling stories and catching up I’m told. I spoke to Peter today who said he had a blast and was thrilled to reconnect with Ace. Said last night, and his recent appearance at a Rob Zombie show, actually has inspired him to finish a hard rock album he has been working on. He said playing again for an audience and singing as well as he did has given him confidence he can still do it. Ace is in the middle of recording a new album now. Coincidentally this reunion came days after Gene Simmons said in an interview if Kiss does get into the R&R Hall they would not play with Ace and Peter. The current Kiss continues to disparage these guys I guess to justify what they are currently selling. It is sad and pre mature to say the least, and I know for a fact Gene making those statements greatly hurts Kiss’ chances of actually getting in. Even the most hardcore Kiss fans were offended that Gene could make a statement like that before they even know if they might go in. For a band that always says the fans are the bosses, this is beyond comprehension. But it’s all putting the cart before the horse at this point since Kiss is only NOMINATED, not in (as dumb as that is!). So let’s see what happens, but one thing is certain, if Kiss goes in it will be with the original band, and nothing would be more of a joke to see the current Kiss perform, with Tommy & Eric dressed as Ace & Peter,  when the original band is what’s being inducted. Last night proved Ace and Peter are NOT “drunk losers”, at least not anymore. It also proved that they can still play and perform and are very much the spirit and sound of Kiss every bit as much as Gene and Paul. For the record Ace is sober 7 years, Peter longer. Were they fuck ups before? Sure, they will be the first to tell you that. And I’m not saying for a minute they should do a reunion with the band. But how about some credit for the people they are TODAY. Last night that was on full display and it was magic! I am proud to call them both friends and so happy for them for the healthy sober happy people they are now. The real Catman and Space Ace were rocking last night in NYC at my party and it was a supreme honor that they made it all work for my celebration and audience. Thank you to them and to EVERYONE who made it such a memorable night. And trust me there are TONS of stories to share, just can’t type them all now. But I’m live on SiriusXM Monday to cover this and more with you.


Sammy Hagar also attended my event last night. I’m catching a ride with him to Boston tomorrow and will be at Tsongas Arena in Lowell MA for the AAF Thrillogy with Sammy, Buckcherry & Sick Puppies. I’ll be selling and signing both of my books starting at 6:30 in the arena main lobby. You do NOT need a show ticket to come by and see me, but hope you go into the show as well as it should be fun. See you tomorrow Boston. Look forward to hanging with my AAF family where my show airs on Sunday nights! And thanks to Sammy for the ride on his plane and for coming by my party last night!

37 Responses

  1. Ed, I left my native France country and moved to NY because of KISS…Last night was your birthday but I thought you gave US the Greatest gift ever for having Pater & Ace play on the same stage !! I was just drooling watching them play together ! I just don’t understand why those 2 don’t go on tour and play what the real fans want to hear instead of the cloning band playing again and again the same boring set for the last 15 years ! Anyway, this one will remain one of my all-time fave KISS memory ! Thanx Ed and Many more birthdays to come ! Pat

  2. Eddie, before you right something, please get correct facts first. Gene did not say they would not play with Ace and Peter if they get into the Hall of Fame. In fact, Gene has already addressed this and clarified it. His comments were taken out of context. He was asked if they get into the Hall of Fame, would KISS have a reunion with Ace and Peter, not a reunion for the ceremony, but just a reunion of the band. Gene said “No”, they would not reunite with Ace and Peter, they would not join the band again, they would not tour with them again. Gene never said they would not reunite with them if KISS was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Now of course, if you had taken time to read the entire interview, you could have figured that out. No, this will not hurt Kiss’ chances of getting in, because it was not said. The only thing that has been preventing KISS from getting in since 1998 is Jann Wenner and you should know that. If KISS does get it, it will be as the original four members, of course that is what will happen and they should play together as the original four, but Eric Singer, Tommy Thayer, Bruce Kulick, etc. will also be there and deserve to be in as well as one time and present members of KISS. The current KISS does not continue to disparage Ace and Peter. Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer had never said one word disparaging Ace and Peter. They are fans of KISS as well and know that Ace and Peter are just as important as Gene and Paul in the history and success of KISS. Find one word, quote, anything where Tommy and Eric have ever disparaged Ace and Peter, you cannot, because they have not. They have answered truthfully when asked about Ace and Peter. Paul Stanley has also always told the truth about Ace and Peter when asked. Gene Simmons, on the other hand, as we all know, has never been one to keep his feeling bottled up inside and does say stupid things. Still, in almost all cases, what Gene about Ace and Peter is the truth. Again, if you had read the entire interview, you will see that Gene gives Ace and Peter there due as to the beginnings of KISS, but also tell s the truth about those two guys when they were in the band. Just like you just said right, they “were”. Gene also states that both Ace and Peter look fine, seem happy and look like they are doing great out of KISS. What KISS is currently selling is what they have been selling since 1973, just like it was when Eric Carr, Vinnie Vincent, Mark St. John and Bruce Kulick were in the band. It maybe sad for you, but for the thousands of fans who are going to sold out concerts and buying there music, it is happy time. I have never understood how the truth is considered disparaging, degrading or bashing. Wow, maybe if Ace and Peter were not fuck ups, as you stated all the different times they were in KISS, then there would be no talk of this right. Seems to me that Peter did some disparaging of his own in his book. It seems that he is mad at the world. There is finally going to be a KISS movie/documentary to celebrate 40 years of KISS. This should be a time of celebration of KISS. This movie is not a Gene and Paul project, Alan Parker is a long time fan and is in control of the movie. The facts and truth are going to be told about all members of KISS, no sugarcoating. So, most all people associated with KISS or who were in the band or associated with the band agreed to be interviewed to celebrate the band. Everyone except Ace and Peter. They were offered money and asked to answer questions about KISS, the band they help make the Hottest Band in the World and was part of almost half there lives. So now we will have to here them talk from old interviews from the 80s and early 90s, instead of today. So where is the outrage here Eddie, you, as a long time KISS fan, aren’t you offended by this? Isn’t this a slap in the face to all KISS fans? Two original members cannot even sit down and answer questions because they are mad they someone has told the truth about them. People always talk about respect, what about respect from Ace and Peter for KISS. You really need to get off the kick of the real catman and spaceman. Those were characters that Ace and Peter played when they were in the band, just as Gene and Paul play the other two characters. Yes, Ace and Peter designed those characters, but they are just that characters. Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer are also playing those characters because they are now in KISS. Maybe Peter should have respected that character more, but he sold the rights to it and why, oh yeah because of his drug and alcohol addiction. Ace on the other hand did not sell his rights to the makeup, so at least he respects it a bit, and of course the checks he receives from KISS because of that are not bad right. You sir, will never be taken seriously in matters of KISS, because you are biased when it comes to Ace and Peter. Oh boohoo, there are imposters in Ace and Peter makeup, boohoo! We want the real cat and the real spaceman. Get over it already. So, I guess these days you are limited to seeing the Crue and Aerosmith in concert right, because that is one of the only bands right now that is all “original” Imposters in Van Halen, AC/DC, Rush, Ratt, Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Eagles, Sabath, all playing with impostors, not the “real” original members.

    1. Like what you want man, wow. There is way too much here to address on this page. But you believe what you want and like what you want, it’s okay. Don’t need my approval. You are way off on so many things and are buying everything you are being sold clearly. Just one comment; there is NO band playing with replacement members IMPERSONATING original members and the personas THEY created. But like what you want.. really. All opinions valid.

  3. Eddie,

    Keep on calling out Gene Simmons. There is something profoundly wrong with this guy. Who has time to hold on to such bitterness and spite? Only someone that insecure, that unforgiving, would do everything in his power to continually demean and deface the characters of Ace and Peter, who by the way, show class by not allowing Simmons to draw them into a debate and media circus. Who out there really has respect for Gene Simmons? And why? Ace and Peter look great and it is a testament to their fortitude to grow up while others, including Stanley, only have disparaging things to say and show their true character or lack therof as people. Keep plugging all the good that Ace and Peter are today. Ace and Peter have character. Simmons cannot stop himself from putting his foot in his mouth over and over and over again.

  4. Eddie Trunk Anniversary Party
    Just a word, but it is a good word. A strong word to help you visualize the type of night that went down at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square, New York City. To honor Eddie Trunks 30 years in the radio business promoting and supporting heavy metal music. That much time in an ever changing industry is a testament to the his passion for the metal genre. His enthusiasm wasn’t tempered by age or fame, he stood center to the stage, deep in the audience to experience, as he said “where it all began”.

    His focus was unwavering as The Winery Dogs hit the stage. A band that he personally had a hand in creating. Approached by dozens of fans who wanted photos or handshakes, he never stopped smiling and was quick to point out to bystanders a guitar lick or a drum roll that caught his attention. Later in the evening Mike Portnoy, drummer extraordinaire and Winery Dog member, rolled out one of the most impressive roll calls in hard rock and metal history. Each new line up performing classic songs from Eddie’s favorite bands. UFO, Twisted Sister, Accept, Van Halen, and of course Kiss.

    When you have Lita Ford and Michael Sweet, Geoff Tate, Scott Ian, Bumblefoot, Frank Bello, Tony Harnell and others sharing the same stage you will have magical moments. Epic moments. Billy Sheehan, Steve Brown, J.J. French, Bobby Blitz Ellsworth, Charlie Benante, Mark Tornillo, And then Ace Frehley and Peter Criss from Kiss. Two iconic figures descending upon the hard rock cafe stage to deliver a tribute to the man who supports them all. It was the pinnacle epic moment of the evening. An emotional time for Eddie and for rock music in general. Differences swept aside, there was only the music and the people who created it. These two on one stage performing kiss songs seemed almost mythical and dreamlike. You could see the smile on Scott Ian’s face as they played. You could see what this meant to Eddie reflected in his eyes.

    I left the club that night feeling like I had just witnessed rock history. And I did. I walked the long way back to Penn station, the adrenaline of the evening flooding my veins. Reflecting on all I had seen. Eddie has seen more in his 30 years in the business. His goal was to introduce the masses to this incredible diverse and colorful metal genre. That this music has meaning and a value. For the fans we can only say thank you.
    I will have a few hours to reflect on all that I have witnessed tonight, time to absorb the moment. As my train approaches, I begin to search my spotify app….searching for the band… UFO.

    Thank You Eddie, Thank You.

    Posted by Bryan Martin at 8:18 PM

  5. Hi Eddie,
    Great to see Ace and Peter working together again. With both of them currently in the studio working on albums, here’s hoping that perhaps they could do a tour together in support of both albums (something along the lines of the “Bad Boys Of KISS” tour)…it would be 1 million times better than anything involving Gene and Paul at this point. Ace has still got it, not that anyone needed proof, but it was awesome to see the Peter is still one of the best drummers in the world, having not seen or heard him play for nearly 10 years. KISS is over, has been since 2001, but Ace and Peter, together or apart, still have that magic, even without make up, costumes or pyros. They were always the true musicians in the band. Even with all of that, Gene and Paul’s KISS tribute act isn’t a patch on this one jam session (and I’ve only seen shaky, fan shot footage on YouTube, being in that room must have been electrifying).

    Congratulations on 30 years, and as a KISS fan, thank you for speaking the truth for all these years. Too many people suck up the Gene and Paul, but you’ve always been honest about the whole situation.

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