kiss-return According to, KISS guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley says that it “seems unlikely” that the four original members of the band will perform together at next April’s Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction.

Answering a question from a fan on Twitter about whether there are any plans yet on wearing makeup with former KISS members Ace Frehley (guitar) and Peter Criss (drums) at the Rock Hall induction, Stanley said: “No way.”

Stanley was also asked if he, bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons, Frehley and Criss were going to perform together at the Rock Hall. “Seems unlikely,” he replied.

The Rock Hall producers are leaning on the original members to perform in full costume. During a recent radio interview, Frehley joked about needing to lose weight and shave his goatee for the performance — but remained adamant that current guitarist Tommy Thayer, who performs using Frehley’s “Spaceman,” persona cannot be in costume that night.

Read Eddie’s thoughts on this topic in the latest Trunk Report.

62 Responses

  1. YES A NEW KISS DEBATE! Of course Paul is going to deny or minimize this reunion. It makes financial sense and he and The Demon are holding most of the cards. The BLACK SABBATH 3/4 reunion has had success and don’t think Gene and Paul fail to recognize this. Ironically KISSes break with Peter coincided with OZZYs break with SABBATH (’79) and SABBATHs reunion in the late 1990s was shortly after KISSes reunion. OZZY has a show, hey Gene gets a show. Is KISS more relevant with Ace and Peter? Does the bear shit in the woods? SABBATH had a number 1 album, guess who else could? Excuse me Rick Ruben, I know these 4 guys in their 60s…….METALLICA’s album making documentary was shit, but these 4? Fugetaboutit!

    1. Paul is either more bitter than Gene about the past, or he is the worst bluffer in the world of rock and roll poker. I suspect the latter as anything other than the original four up there would far too farsicle an event. However I doubt this spawns an original four tour. And to those who suggest this would be a good way to ‘go out’, I’ll tell you that ain’t gonna happen. As long as there are KISS Kruises to be had, they’ll keep going with the hired guns.

  2. Well, that didn’t take long. This is now shaping up to be another Van Halen-like induction debacle. Why can’t Paul just be an adult and give the damn fans what they so obviously want for one stinking night in NYC.

  3. There is obviously enough bad blood that they are not willing to go down that road again. None of us fans know the truth about what really happened. While we as fans would like to see all 4 original members, you have to remember this is not the fan’s night, it is their night. Honestly, it is time for this act to pull up the tent stakes and move on.

  4. I think that the Original 4 members need to set differences aside and perform together in full make-up and costume. And this is about the fans too…without the fan vote, I’m not sure KISS would have gone in this time around. Ace Frehley and Peter Criss should have a say in this as well. I agree with the Rock Hall about the 4 Originals to play together!

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