The month of April is pretty much the busiest travel schedule I have ever had in my life. Not complaining, happy to be busy, but very important you check this space and follow on Twitter @EddieTrunk for updates and changes. Back from the cruise yesterday, leave for Seattle today. See me, Don & Jim Friday in Seattle and Studio 7 and Saturday in Portland at Tonic Lounge. These shows are NOT That Metal Show tapings. They are live stand up shows with Q&A, trivia and more. Hope to see you. At both shows I will have copies of both of my books available for sale as well as T Shirts, etc.


Monday live show on SiriusXM with Ace Frehley in studio! Ace should be on around 6:30PM ET on TrunkNation channel 39 (Hair Nation). Thursday I will be attending the HOF event in Brooklyn as a guest of Ace and Peter’s. Friday I leave for Mexico City with Don & Jim to live gigs next weekend in Mexico City and Puebla. Dates on the home page. Later in the month L.A. for the Golden Gods and Maryland to once again host M3. I will be doing signings and selling my books at M3 at the Washington Music Center tent on the festival grounds. Tentative times are 3 and 6PM for an hour or so each on Saturday. Q104.3 radio shows are all new but recorded during the Friday’s I am traveling. More to come, just keep an eye on the appearances on the home page.


Final new TMS of our current season this Saturday. Yngwie plays again, Joe Satriani, Jim Breuer and Artie Lange are guests. Prepare for some laughs as we wrap up a great season 13 of TMS and thank you all for watching! One quick note, I get a TON of email about the show not being on in countries outside the USA. I would love to be able to help but I have NO control at all over the shows distribution. I often only find out we are in other countries from fans who email me. Maybe contact your local carrier but nothing I can do from my end sadly. I do not control that aspect of the show and wish it was on everywhere of course! Thanks.

20 Responses

  1. We got your weather right here in Portland, just like the opening to Black Sabbath’s “Black Sabbath.”
    See you at the Tonic–which I usually avoid, because of the hipsters.

  2. I’m not sure if I missed something, but I thought Ace was supposed to be on this season’s TMS. Tonight is the last episode. What happened?

    1. ^^ Was wondering that too. Thought it was amazing to be able to have Ace and Peter both on in the same span of time.

  3. Greetings Eddie Trunk, I love what you do, I have for a long time now. My thanks to you for all of your hard work and dedication to our beloved Hard Rock/Metal. What a life, huh? We are all better off because of what you have accomplished and I thank you, thank you, thank you…..
    I have one comment about those negative remarks made by both Gene and Paul about Mark St John…they hired him so all of that buzzing bee sound they describe must have been at the audition too…these two punks have zero class and they continually show us just how bad they are, no matter what the subject is.
    And isn’t this season of TMS announced by Bobby Blitz?

  4. Great season of That Metal Show! Yngwie blew my mind, what a talent! Eddie, I’m new to his work but I vaguely know some of his albums. What Yngwie album would you recommend as a starting point? Definitely going to buy some of his albums.

    1. If i can chime in, ‘Odyssey’ is my fave from Yngwie, with Joe Lynn Turner on vocals. Amazing album. I also have ‘Marching out,’ which is great as well

  5. Hey ET!!! Thanx for the mention of the RAVEN DVD!! Reality Check TV contributed footage (that’s our interview of Lars Ulrich, for example) and commentary for it. Much appreciated!

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