The month of April is pretty much the busiest travel schedule I have ever had in my life. Not complaining, happy to be busy, but very important you check this space and follow on Twitter @EddieTrunk for updates and changes. Back from the cruise yesterday, leave for Seattle today. See me, Don & Jim Friday in Seattle and Studio 7 and Saturday in Portland at Tonic Lounge. These shows are NOT That Metal Show tapings. They are live stand up shows with Q&A, trivia and more. Hope to see you. At both shows I will have copies of both of my books available for sale as well as T Shirts, etc.


Monday live show on SiriusXM with Ace Frehley in studio! Ace should be on around 6:30PM ET on TrunkNation channel 39 (Hair Nation). Thursday I will be attending the HOF event in Brooklyn as a guest of Ace and Peter’s. Friday I leave for Mexico City with Don & Jim to live gigs next weekend in Mexico City and Puebla. Dates on the home page. Later in the month L.A. for the Golden Gods and Maryland to once again host M3. I will be doing signings and selling my books at M3 at the Washington Music Center tent on the festival grounds. Tentative times are 3 and 6PM for an hour or so each on Saturday. Q104.3 radio shows are all new but recorded during the Friday’s I am traveling. More to come, just keep an eye on the appearances on the home page.


Final new TMS of our current season this Saturday. Yngwie plays again, Joe Satriani, Jim Breuer and Artie Lange are guests. Prepare for some laughs as we wrap up a great season 13 of TMS and thank you all for watching! One quick note, I get a TON of email about the show not being on in countries outside the USA. I would love to be able to help but I have NO control at all over the shows distribution. I often only find out we are in other countries from fans who email me. Maybe contact your local carrier but nothing I can do from my end sadly. I do not control that aspect of the show and wish it was on everywhere of course! Thanks.

20 Responses

  1. Eddie, just when you thought the shows couldn’t get any better, this season you and the crew have kicked it up another notch. Congrats on an awesome season, enjoy the time off, well deserved.

    Quick questions…who does the announcing at the start of each show this year? I know I should know this voice but I can’t figure it out.

    1. ^^ Bobby Blitz Ellsworth from Overkill. The dude’s voice is unmistakable, even before they showed that “Thanks Bobby!” clip at the end of today’s episode.

  2. Hey Eddie, while you’re here in Seattle you have to try out the Sodo Deli. It’s right by Studio Seven. Get the meatloaf Tim’s style. Best sandwiches in town.

  3. Hey Eddie, here are some suggestions for next season; do a top 5 kiss songs from the kulick/Carr era. For the throw down , determine if Dios best work was in rainbow, sabbath,or his solo band.

  4. Are you going to be presenting or introducing or hosting or something at the Golden God awards? Would love to see you on when it airs! Can’t wait to hear Ace on moday. Sad that he wasn’t able to be on TMS this season. Would of been great to hear his thoughts on the whole RRHOF issues on TMS. But I guess your Radio show on SiriusXM will have to do.

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