Here is the statement from Kiss now on the HOF. Now nobody plays is basically what they are saying..



38 Responses

  1. The fans are getting the shaft and Gene and Paul are acting immature about the true foundation of kiss and then wants to celebrate it with impostors, i’m a fan way back in the 70’s no way do i respect kiss now.

  2. All I can say is that the best things the guys from KISS should have done is taken Eddie’s advise and told the ROHF to shove their induction up their a$$. KISS fans have been sitting watching people like Modonna and Donna Summer getting inducted, while KISS and Rush kept getting the shaft. Now that they get inducted, the fans have to put up with this bullsh@t. Bottom line is these four have had issues since they split, the first time. They tried the reunion, and that only lasted a few years until, allegedly, the BS started again. I don’t know if it’s egoes or money, or both. I think KISS needs to go back 30 years, I think it was 84 when they unmasked on MTV, and perform without the make up. If they want to continue performing. Which I don’t think they should any more. Back then, they said the make up had to come off of out of respect. Where’s the respect now? I don’t care who wears the make up. I know it, and KISS fans know it, there is only one Catman and only one Spaceman. This is induction is going to be a joke, just like the Van Halen induction. I personally think it would have been great to see Ace, Bruce and Tommy on stage. I’m not so sure about Vinnie. Also, Eric and Peter could have done a double drum thing just like they did on Unplugged. At the end of the day, this I think has pissed off a lot KISS fans. I think there are going to be a lot of empty seats at the next KISS show. So here’s my advise to KISS. Get your induction, play one more show, pack it in. You don’t need the money. Paul’s voice is shot. It’s painfull, and sad, to hear him try to sing Love Gun. The range is just not there any more. Paul and Gene always said they did this for the fans. I guess the fans are not important enough for these 4 to put aside their issues for a couple of weeks of rehersal and 15 minutes of playing. Paul said that “they would not be where they are today with out Peter and Ace and probably would not be here today with them”. I would have to agree with that to some level. However, there is that one part, “they would not be here without them”. I have defended these guys for decades, when people would tell their music was crap and I was crazy for listening to them. What I let down this is. To end my comment I would just like to say I think this is huge F@CK YOU to the fans. And for this KISS Army, I think it’s time to go a-wall. Paul, Gene, Peter, Ace, you let us all down guys.

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