Had a great live show last night on SiriusXM with a last minute call in from Jake E Lee. You can read some of the highlights in the music news section now. Got more in depth than I thought we would have time for and talked Ozzy, Badlands, and of course the new band and album Red Dragon Cartel. Jake was very candid about many things and did confirm he was “uninvited” from going to see Sabbath simply for saying he’d like CREDIT (not money, credit) for writing Bark At The Moon. Simply amazing and now you know why Ozzy has never been on TMS I guess! The new album is out Jan 28th and he sounded in great spirits and ready for a relaunch that happens officially this Thursday at The Whiskey in LA. I’m honored to be hosting this first live show from RDC and appreciate the exclusive interview which covered lot’s of things in 40 minutes or so. I’ll have him back for more when the album is closer to release. Also debuted another new track from the album with Paul DiAnno on vocals called “Wasted”. See you Thursday night in LA if you are making the show! Welcome back Jake!


This Friday’s Q104.3 show is the first of the year end specials with each of the shows 3 hours dedicated to 3 of the most requested yet underplayed bands in my radio shows history. Hour 1 features Judas Priest, Hour 2 Iron Maiden, Hour 3 Rush. First time I ever did one like this, hope you enjoy it. I am aware the iHeartradio app and stream has been cutting off on Q104.3. I have asked the station to correct this problem if possible. They are looking into it. Remember you can also hear the Q show on all the affiliates and their streams the following weekend. Or become an AA Member of this site and get shows On Demand after they debut on all stations! Cheap and easy to be a member.


This Saturday the annual TMS Christmas bash at Dingbatz in Clifton NJ. I’ll be selling and signing my books at Dingos across the street before the party (no admission at book signing!) starting around 7:30. Party at Dingbatz around 9. Come hang with me, Don and Jim this Saturday. I’ll also have free Schenker tix to give away for Starland!