Hope you all enjoyed the debut of the new season of TMS. Thanks for all the great response, great to be back!

We tape this Saturday’s new episode tomorrow with Living Colour, Morgan from Sevendust and some surprises. You will see it this Saturday.


Busy times, off to SiriusXM now. Live 6-10P ET on channel 39 with guests Michael Schenker, Lita Ford & Scott Ian. TRUNKNation, Music & Talk That Rocks!


More soon..

22 Responses

  1. As always, great show Sat. Night. One burning question to which I’ve never seen the answer: after David Lee Roth left VH, he offered Steve Stevens the gig in his solo band. He turned Roth down, and then Vai got the offer, according to “The Van Halen Saga”. Have you asked Stevens for any background on his decision? Both obviously great players, but would love to know more on this.

  2. The other day I seem to recall reading that Al Jourgenson was going to be on the show soon. Then yesterday I read he’s going to rehab. I’m sure you don’t know a whole lot about it at this point either but was he scheduled for later in the season? Not sure how long people tend to spend in those places.

  3. It was really great seeing all of you again. Love this set. It feels so much better. Love the show. I always feel that in addition to having fun, I’m always learning something more I didn’t know. My husband and I are looking forward to 2/8 and seeing you in our neck of the woods. It will really be nice just hearing you talk because honestly you are every bit as interesting as the guests you bring on the show. One last thing: You mentioned your son and playing Deep Purple for him. Our son is so entrenched in older rock; nothing modern really, that he most admires Ozzy, the Big Four (most especially Metallica) , the Beatles, to name a few. So much fun!

  4. Eddie,

    My wife & I love TMS & we thank you for being THE GUY who has always publicly waved the flag of rock/metal for decades! No matter what fad or trend was happening you along with millions of other true rock/metal fans always stuck to our guns! We can see the true love & respect your guests have for you on TMS! YOU should be in the R&R HOF!

    TMS has inspired us to create our own rock/metal room with our personal wall of fame featuring framed posters of our favorite bands along with an iPod filled with thousands of songs from these artists playing 24/7. I will send you pics when it’s completed!

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