Fantoons has animated our very own Eddie Trunk as he recounted how he got turned on to the band Rush. Watch below…enjoy.

12 Responses

    1. Hey “Lord,”

      I know who you are based on your email addy, and that is why all of your other comments have gone where they belong, in the trash.

      The only reason, I let this one through, despite your idle threats of never coming back to the site, was to let you know EDDIE ASKED ME TO POST IT, as he has, for many other articles/Press Releases (NOT WRITTEN BY ME) that you have also complained about in the past. All future comments from you will no longer be acknowledged, and you know why.

    2. Hey L.O.T.W., if you hate this site so much, then why do you keep changing your screen name and coming back to it? Just stay away! There are plenty of other sites for you to spread the good word about GVF! “Lord Of This World?” Really? LMAO!!!

    3. Reminds me of those radio listeners that hate Howard Stern…they complain, yet, they still listen…because they want to see what he’ll say – or in this case – do next.

      Rock on Eddie & Dana

    4. Tasker,

      I really tried my best to keep this private, as nasty trolls tend to feed off the attention, even if it is negative. Suffice it to say, this poster called me a misogynist racist epithet. Of course, language like that, and any kind of personal threats, will never be tolerated on this site. That is basically a one way ticket to banville.

      This particular troll was not only one of the lowest common denominator, but both brain dead, as well as, arrogant. How those two qualities co-exist is beyond me? He wasn’t even clever enough to change his email addy, so as not to be caught.

      Additionally, he would complain about the content of the articles I would “write,” saying he was “unimpressed by me,” not even cognizant enough to recognize they are all press releases written by the band’s PR agencies (duh!). When I write, or post something, I state so, otherwise it is always presumed to be a press release sent to me, by Eddie, for publishing. I am simply the managing editor of the music news section.

      Finally, thank you, and all the other positive posters, that make being a editor/moderator, so enjoyable.


    5. Dana, thank you for posting this article. I always find it of interest how people discover their favorite bands. Everybody has a different story and i think its interesting to learn about them.

      World, I think your comment is very narcissistic. YOU may have not found it of interest, but I’m sure there are others like me who indeed did enjoy it. I’m always blown away by those who make comments like yours posting things like “This is the dumbest…”; “This band sucks…”; “That was terrible…”; etc….Everybody has varying interests and, IMO, to label something as “dumbest”, “sucks”, “terrible”, etc…just demonstrates the closed, narcissist mindset of the poster.

    6. I’m sorry you had to absorb that type of ignorance. The Metal God speaks the truth: Evil Never Dies!

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