Guitarist and co-founding member of Thin Lizzy Eric Bell has lashed out at Metallica, calling them “a pack of bastards,” claiming they didn’t pay him for a show.

The outburst came in an interview with Bell in the The Irish Sun, with the guitarist saying he was expecting to make £2000 after he was invited to play Whiskey In The Jar with the thrash giants at a show in Dublin in 1999.

Bell was flown to and from the UK with Metallica on their private plane, and, although no fee agreement had been arranged, Bell says he was anticipating some cash when they landed back in the UK.

Bell was flown to and from the UK with Metallica on their private plane, and, although no fee agreement had been arranged, Bell says he was anticipating some cash when they landed back in the UK.

“I was quietly expecting about two grand, which wouldn’t have meant a thing to them. But I got handed over a big ball of Metallica t-shirts, key rings and hats. I got paid fuck all. Then they all f–ked off.”

Bell says he only realized he had received no money on the journey home and adds, “I thought I’d get something in the post but not a dickie bird.”

The guitarist says one of his reps tried to contact Metallica at a later date, but had no success.

“They are a pack of bastards” Bell says. “I couldn’t believe what they did, especially as they are so well off. I should have been paid £2000 [Dana’s note: approximately $2571.30 USD] but got f–k all.”

Bell goes on to claim that he was approached by one of Metallica’s crew after the show at Dublin’s Point Theatre, now the 3Arena, and was asked to sign a sheet of paper which he did – although he doesn’t know if that was to waive his fee for the performance.

Bell says, “I hadn’t got my glasses and, looking back, should never have signed it, but for some reason, I did sign. Then, one of the sergeant major roadies appeared and shouted, ‘OK, everybody, we’ll be leaving in 20 minutes.’”

Bell played on Thin Lizzy’s first three albums: Thin Lizzy, Shades Of A Blue Orphanage and Vagabonds Of The Western World and on the track Whiskey In The Jar, but left the band at the end of 1973.

additional source: Classic Rock via

9 Responses

  1. What does this guy have a book coming out or something? What a wanker. Guess he should’ve read whatever he signed. I do agree with DJH on their version versus Tallica’s. Interesting he came up with a fee. Perhaps that’s what he makes on a monthly basis in royalties from Met’s cover.

  2. I would’ve said something….back when it happened! Let’s see…”where’s my money?” “I thought I was getting paid for this gig…” “No I don’t want the swag, but thanks, where’s my money?” ..”Guys, I was expecting to get paid for that performance…don’t you know?” “Why would I sign away my performance pay?” He also could’ve had that contract thrown out.

  3. That makes no sense that he didn’t realize he wasn’t getting $$ until he was on the way home…he was expecting a check in the mail? really? lol…musicians do this to themselves…sorry, you have to speak up.

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