To everyone who has posted on the KK thread, et al, thank you so much for all the birthday wishes!!! I truly appreciate each and everyone that I received, and cannot say how much it means to me. I will see if I can paste them over here for cohesion, if not…

Again, thank you all.



24 Responses

  1. Dana, I apologize for being late to the party, I do hope your birthday was almost as good as it would be ifJohn Sykes delivered a cake to you in person! Wearing his Birthday Suit, of course. You know what? I am now officially declaring this week as Dana Birthday Week! I hope your wishes come true. I think I can speak for us all when I say that without you, this site could never be half as awesome as it is. We love you, kiddo!! 🙂

    1. Mr. RN’R,

      You sir, are a consummate gentleman and a doll. THANK YOU for your kind words, you have no idea how much all of your love and support means to me. There are not enough fluffy words in the lexicon for me to express my gratitude to you personally, and everyone else who posts on here.


      D 🙂

  2. Happy belated Birthday Dana . 🙂 The stories you pick are awesome since we have so many music interests in common . Keep up the good work young lady .

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