







Stryper have released a lyric video for the song Revelation, from the band’s forthcoming album, No More Hell To Pay. Watch it below.

No More Hell To Pay will be released on November 5th. Read more about the album, here.


16 Responses

  1. Holy Fuck! (pun intended)
    I just listened to the song and it ROCKS!
    Pretty heavy tune. I will definitely buy the CD when it comes out.
    Better than any of these “supergroup” compilations of late.

    1. maybe you should worry about the music instead of what someone looks like. how old are you? 13?

  2. maybe you should listen to the lyrics. bible prophecy is being fulfilled daily. the middle east is on fire. our once great republic is in the toilet, evil men are everywhere. political correctness and socialism is the norm. if you dont have JESUS CHRIST in your life you are doomed,if you deny HIM you are facing eternity without him. i pray you will seek HIM before its too late. peace

  3. I wish I had a Stryper Bible!!!! I was watching Night of the Creeps. There is a scene where a dude is in a bathroom stall and it has Stryper Rules written on it!!!! Like For Sure!!!

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