On Saturday, May 30th, SpaceX made history when they launched astronauts into orbit for the very first time. 

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley were onboard the Crew Dragon capsule on top of the Falcon 9 rocket when it blasted-off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. 

Saturday’s launch came after bad weather prevented the initial lift-off on May 27th – and it’s emerged that on their way to the launch pad last Wednesday, the pair had a playlist which included AC/DC classic Back In Black.

SpaceX commentator Lauren Lyons explained that Behnken and Hurley chose the track because it had been nine years since astronauts launched from launch pad 39A at the facility to make the point that “they are back,” according to

It’s also emerged that on Sunday, ahead of the capsule’s docking procedure with the International Space Station, Behnken and Hurley were woken by the gentle, psychedelic sounds of Black Sabbath’s Planet Caravan. say the song was specifically chosen by the pair as they’re big Sabbath fans.

Behnken and Hurley are expected to spend up to four months onboard the ISS before returning home.

additional source: Classic Rock via

3 Responses

  1. Amen Doug – great sight to see and a punch in the arm to those needing good news in this messed up time.

    Bet Ace is really into Elon Musk and his part in the space program.

    1. So true, Wiggy. Watching the launch was the only bright spot on TV last week, especially in these very dark times. I’m surprised Ace didn’t ask Bob and Doug to drop him off on Jendell! 😉 Things are so screwed up on this planet right now, if I had the opportunity I’d definitely want to explore other galaxies!

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