pearcybookcover Ratt frontman Stephen Pearcy has released the following statement:

“After 30 years creating the band Ratt and losing a real brother, Robbin, it’s time that I personally part ways with the band.
I am officially done with having anything to do with them due to the constant turmoil, unresolved business, personal attacks/threats in the public forum, and most of all, the disrespect to the fans.

I’m very content and proud of the legacy and the music I’ve created. This music will live well beyond any of our lifetimes.

I owe no one anything but a huge heartfelt thank you for coming to the party for the last 30 years.
With much respect, life goes on and the music I created will continue to be heard for years to come despite the dark clouds that have lingered for far too long.

I will personally continue to make music and perform live shows.
See you out there.

Ratt’s last album was 2010′s Infestation.

312 Responses

  1. Are you kidding me. Again after 30 years they cant keep it together. I mean they have to be like brothers and brothers fight. Then Christmas comes and everyone gets drunk then fights it out and then back to business as usual. Stephen, i love you bro, but after watching you on the metal show you still have a fat head and dude, its ok to be cocky, but your the one hurting the fans by leaving. You all have banged every chick in the world and I would only love to have your table scraps, but dude. Get over yourself. LSD ( Lead Singer Disease) only works when your on top and its been a long time. I will always listen to your music, but when your down sucking the curb because you have no money because your paying lawyers instead of paying yourself. Maybe then you will understand. Good luck to you all.

  2. I think I can sum up the whole Ratt situation like this from each member’s point of view:
    Steve Pearcy: “It’s all about me and what I want, so screw this other guys”
    Bobby Blotzer: “No it’s all about me and what I want, so screw these other guys especially Steve”
    Juan Croucier: “It’s about the band, but I’m tired of the me attitude and the drama 24/7”
    Warren DeMartini “I just wanna kick ass and play guitar”.

    1. lol bon I couldn’t have said it better. seems every band out there has had this issue going on. you have 2 that clash non stop and 2 who just want to play. have we not seen it in steven tyler, bon jovi, kiss, journey, the kinks, and on and on and on. sometimes they can work it out, sometimes they just cant and they move on. I like ratt and I was really hoping they had one more tour left, but the mudslinging has gotten as bad as the kiss mudthrowing. enough is enough.

  3. man that sucks, ratt is one of my favorite bands from the 80’s, along with crue & def leppard, too bad they couldn’t work out their differences. I know alice cooper is touring with motley, but what a party it would be if ratt ( with pearcy) did their final tour together with the crue, it would be like 1984 all over again!

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