pearcybookcover Ratt frontman Stephen Pearcy has released the following statement:

“After 30 years creating the band Ratt and losing a real brother, Robbin, it’s time that I personally part ways with the band.
I am officially done with having anything to do with them due to the constant turmoil, unresolved business, personal attacks/threats in the public forum, and most of all, the disrespect to the fans.

I’m very content and proud of the legacy and the music I’ve created. This music will live well beyond any of our lifetimes.

I owe no one anything but a huge heartfelt thank you for coming to the party for the last 30 years.
With much respect, life goes on and the music I created will continue to be heard for years to come despite the dark clouds that have lingered for far too long.

I will personally continue to make music and perform live shows.
See you out there.

Ratt’s last album was 2010′s Infestation.

312 Responses

  1. Steve were you always one of my favorite artist, hate to see you go dude,but you won’t be forgotten I still got all the albums and I still blare my stereo loud of Pratt my 8 yr old son loves listening to you all and Def Leppard,its funny how he knows the lyrics

  2. Loved this band. “Our Of The Cellar” was so great. I jammed to that record everyday when I was a kid. Steven was unique in his vocals at that time. Most metal bands at the time had lead singers that all sounded the same. All tried to sing way too high and were Zepplin wanna bees. Robert Plant hit the high notes when the time was right. Most of these dudes singing back them were just horrible high tenor’s. breaking glass throughout the song. Steven was different. He stayed within his range and had a crunch to his voice. Bluesy some. I was a RATT fan prolly because of his voice being different. All the bands had killer guitar players back then but having a unique lead singer helped RATT. Thanks Steven for the hard work bro!!! Keep On Rockin!!

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