Former Skid Row frontman, Sebastian Bach’s new memoir, 18 and Life on Skid Row, reveals many salacious details, according to the New York Daily News. One rather interesting bit of information reveals that despite their squeaky “clean” image, the Bon Jovi boys, were anything but saints.

The New Jersey rockers partied “as hard as, or harder than, the rest of these bands. I know it’s crazy. But it’s true,” Bach writes.

The 48-year-old singer recalls getting schooled on the rock-star diet by ex-Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora. When the then sylph-like Bach commented on Sambora’s gut hanging over his belt he cackled and exclaimed, “I’ll just get an eight-ball of blow and I’ll look great!”

The pouty blond Bach also remembers the first time he tried speed — which he writes was given to him by Bon Jovi keyboardist David Bryan.

Bach says the two bands nearly rumbled at the end of their tour in 1989. Annoyed by pranks pulled by Bon Jovi roadies, he mocked the lead act’s name on stage, taunting him and calling him “Bon blow me.” Jon Bon Jovi was not amused, meeting Bach off stage flanked by his brother, father and road crew.

Fists flew — but didn’t land — as Bon Jovi threatened, “I’ll kick your ass.” Skid Row was tossed from the remainder of the tour only to be reinstated a couple of days later.

Additional noteworthy salaciousness includes the singer’s reported dalliance with a then-18-year-old Christina Applegate.

Read more at the New York Daily News.

Sebastian Bach will begin a book signing tour on December 5th in Huntington, NY. See all of his book tour dates, here.

18 And Life On Skid Row is available for pre-order at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.



2 Responses

  1. All this smut surfaces years later as fading bands try and stay relevant. Anyhow, the type of band aggression, described in this post, is what drove these bands to play hard and make some really good music at the time. Youth, fame, money, and all these hair bands competing with each other in that era is what made the 80’s great for hair metal. Each band wanted to climb over the other band to achieve the next hit. So sad to see these bands enter the Rogaine Rock phase of their career. Keep the smut coming, hope Sebastian doesn’t skimp on the Appletgate details.

  2. Don’t care about Bach or his book – but that dude is starting to more and more resemble Alicia Silverstone after someone took a frying pan to her face.

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