scorpions640 Scorpions drummer James Kottak has released the following statement regarding his arrest and jail sentence in Dubai this past April.

“After years of drinking alcohol, on April 3rd, 2014 my addiction finally caught up with me,” states Scorpions drummer James Kottak. “During a 5-hour flight from Ekaterinburg, Russia to Bahrain via Dubai, during which I consumed 5 or 6 glasses of wine. While at the airport in Dubai I approached an airline representative to check on status of my flight. The representative informed me that I was in the wrong place and I replied ‘WTF?!.’ The representative then called the police and reported that I was intoxicated (which I was) and that I made a lewd jester.”

One of the police officers recognized me as drummer of ‘The Scorpions’. When the police asked me to show my ID., I showed them the ‘Rock & Roll Forever’ tattoo on my back, instead of my actual ID, which was in my back pack my friend was carrying for me. Apparently, the police did not find this funny and I was charged with ‘Drinking Without a License’, for which I pleaded guilty and received a one-month sentence and a 2,000 Dirham (300 USD) fine. I was also charged with insulting Islam/Muslims by making a lewd jester for which I pleaded not guilty and did not actually do.

Upon returning to the United States on May 6th, I immediately reached out to Bob Forrest, an addiction specialist known for his work with musicians and Celebrity Rehab. I have been meeting with Bob on a regular basis. He has guided me to the MusiCares Organization, which provides musicians with help for mental health and addiction issues.

I am determined to come to grips with my alcoholism and am doing everything on a daily basis to beat this relentless disease. This entire incident caused me to realize that it is time to stop drinking once and for all so that I can become the father, musician, and friend that I know I can be.

I am glad to put this unfortunate incident behind me and move onward and upward with my life. I would like to send out a HUGE thank-you to my family, friends and fans around the world for their incredible loving support… you kick ass! I would also like to send a sincere apology from the bottom of my heart to everyone I have affected and look forward to seeing you all!!

With love, James Kottak – Tomorrow is a brand new day!”

In May, the Scorpions released their own statement part of which said “Whatever happened is totally out of our control and we don’t know any details about it at this point. Please understand, we will keep you posted.”

additional source:

43 Responses

  1. To Richman,
    Relax man. I think you are jumping to a lot of conclusions based on a simple point that I tried to make; that 30 days in jail for being drunk at an airport is excessive. And hey, that’s my opinion so I posted it here on Eddie’s site. I seriously doubt I’m completely alone in having that opinion. What makes you infer that I’m a “phony patriot” or that I want to “denegrate the Muslim custure…” What the hell are you even talking about? I didn’t mention anything about those things, you did. So maybe these attacks you send make you feel like an “actual man”, good for you.

    1. You’ re right. I do need to relax. I apologize for my adjectives. God be with you. Let’s move along. Try to get back to funny stuff. Rock music is about quality and fun as well. There is a very kind Muslim in LONE SURVIVOR. All men are my brothers.

    2. No problem, all is well. I agree that rock should be about fun and celebrating life. Sometimes our fave rock stars do stupid things, that’s true. We gotta remember they’re just people like me and you, and we ALL occasionally do (or have done) stupid things that we’re not proud of. I know I have. I’m mean who else could get arrested for being drunk and peeing on the wall of the Alamo while wearing his wife’s dress, but Ozzy Osbourne?! I’m sure he’s not proud of that one, right?

    3. Maybe it’s excessive to a North American. It’s not excessive to a Muslim in the Middle East. I agree many others agree with you, but that doesn’t make it right. This guy got what he deserved based on where he was. To Richman’s point maybe this will be the start if something positive for him. Saw him with Kingdom Come years ago when they opened for the Scorps. His solo was the highlight of their set.

  2. …..And yet almost every time another country is in some kind of trouble, who is the first country they call for support? We feed, shelter, heal, and help everybody & anybody in need. We’re always there. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  3. Regardless of being a rock star in a major band like the Scorpions. If you are traveling to a foreign country you damn well better know what the laws are for drinking or drugs. Especially if the management of the band knows it has a member with an issue, such as this case. It doesn’t matter what we think here in the good ole USA. He was on foreign soil and needs to know their laws. He was thrown in a jail for 30 days, its their law and really doesn’t matter who it offends or what we think. He is lucky that is all he got. He has to take responsibility for his actions. It could have been much worse if they were traveling to say Saudi or some other foreign country. I lived in Singapore a few years back and there is no tolerance for drugs or firearms. Penalty is death and that is it, no questions asked. maybe a caning of 15 to 20 lashes if your lucky. So you need to know the laws of where your going. the Scorpions play all over the world, both Muslim and Islamic laws apply to some of the those countries. The band and management need to do their homework if they are going to play in these countries. James definitely needs to get his life in order so he can continue to provide his incredible skills playing the drums for whoever he plays for. He is a very talented drummer and has done some excellent work with the Scorpions and Kingdom Come. But don’t blame the countries and their laws, no matter what we think…..they had their laws well in place before James showed up drunk and bantering about in the airport halls. I do hope the Scorpions give him a second chance, providing he cleans up his act, as I said, he is a very talented musician !

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