Andy Greene of Rolling Stone reports:

David Lee Roth caused mild panic in the Van Halen fan community late last year when he told the press that the band was “finished” as he announced plans for his Las Vegas residency and solo tour with KISS. Former frontman Sammy Hagar hasn’t spoken directly to Eddie Van Halen since the conclusion of their 2004 reunion tour, but talking to Rolling Stone, he has a different take than Roth’s assessment.

“Until Ed or Alex Van Halen die, they’re not finished,” he tells Rolling Stone. “Those are two great musicians that can friggin’ do as good as most people at half-mast. As a drummer and as a guitarist and creative person, Eddie, I can’t see them ever being finished. I wish they were more active, but I think Van Halen will never be finished.”

“If they want to get it together, they just have to call Dave or have to call Sammy,” he adds. “They can go out with [Van Halen’s son] Wolfie as a trio, but that’s not the legacy of Van Halen. I think they know that. I’m not predicting what’s going to happen, but I would tell you if there’s concerts next year, Van Halen will probably be on tour next year…”

…The exact state of Eddie Van Halen’s health has been the source of much speculation in the past year, but the guitarist has yet to comment on the situation publicly. “Eddie had a lot of health issues, but I heard he got it together,” says Hagar. “I pray for the guy and I love the guy.”

The classic Van Halen lineup of 1974 to 1984 hasn’t performed together since the conclusion of the 1984 tour. Original frontman David Lee Roth did return to the band in 2007, but Anthony was replaced on bass by Eddie’s son Wolfgang. “My dream tour is the Sam and Dave tour with Ed, Al and Mike.” says Hagar. ‘Let Wolfie put his band together and open. I have a son, Andrew Hagar, who makes great music. Let Andrew open, let Wolfie play with his band in the middle and then have the Sam and Dave tour where we do an hour each. An hour with Dave songs and an hour with me.”

The logistics of a Sam and Dave tour might be hard to work out. They went out together as solo acts in 2002, but there was so much tension backstage, an actual wall had to be erected at certain venues to keep them apart. At no point did they appear onstage at the same time.

“If Dave wants to come out together, we can do that,” says Hagar. “But of course he wouldn’t want to do that, so I couldn’t care less if I even saw the guy. The truth of the matter is, for the fans, and just for me to be a part of that, I want to to walk out there every night and do the best of Van Hagar and have him do the best of that era. That’s a good a tour as anyone would ever do on the planet and it’s for the Van Halen fans. I love making people happy. And it would make me happy…”

“I foresee it happening,” he says. “I’m not trying to plant a seed like I know something is happening. I know nothing. I just know what I know in my heart and my head, which is that it has to happen. Whether it’s Sam and Dave or not, I don’t know that either. But I know that Eddie and I are not done. If enough water goes under the bridge before we die, it’ll happen. It has to. God is going to slap us both around if he has to.”

Read more at Rolling Stone.

26 Responses

  1. Just speculation here, but I think Eddie doesn’t want it to appear that Sammy made a reunion happen (through the press), and it wasn’t Eddie and Alex’s decision. On the other hand, since Eddie and Sammy don’t talk, Sammy can’t quietly/privately float the idea to Eddie. I think Eddie may deep down want to do one more go around with VH live, but the fans want Michael Anthony and i’m not sure if Eddie will let that happen, unless Wolfie himself convinces Dad to give the fans what they really want. We’re running out of time guys.

  2. I think Sammy’s just trying to keep his name in the public while the entire music world is in a standstill. There is absolutely NOTHING new in this interview other than Sammy’s fantasies.

    “I was asked through other people in my management to see if that would happen,” he says. “The camps talked about it and Live Nation asked about it. It came and went because Ed got sick.”

    That sentence doesn’t even make any sense. He says VH’s management asked his management if it would happen. If what would happen? VH’s management expressed interest in Mike – not Sammy. Why would they ask him anything?

    He says he hasn’t spoken to Ed since the 2004 tour ended, yet he’s thought through this fantasy so much that he even has ideas for Wolf and his son Aaron to be the opening acts. It’s kind of sad, really.

    The only realistic explanation I can think of for Sammy’s comments is that he’s hoping Dave’s comments that Van Halen the band is done might get Ed to reconsider reuniting with him. I don’t even understand Sammy’s constant groveling. The guy’s more active, more successful, and more rich than all of the other VH members put together. Yet he can’t get over it.

  3. Sam loves to make music, and that time with the Van Halen Brothers & Michael were just magical to him. Sam had a long run as a solo artist before Van Halen & after, but he was king of the world with Van Halens. To be around other musicians with the same work ethic, quality ideas and excellent players that don’t just look at him as a boss, but as a equal…meaning an employee is not going to say ” that idea sucks Sam”, to make great music w/ 4 equals is a very different feeling for Sammy.. it was a group unit.. To him the things that they accomplished together people said it couldn’t be done, no one will accept him as the singer for Van, 5150 debuted number 1…. That is a f*** you to the world, a look what we did together and I think more than anything he just hates to see it all get pissed away for stupid reasons.. I think even though he is super super wealthy, a great singer,& The circle is an outstanding band, I think he misses them as people, especially when things are good. And as far as Wolfgang, everybody knows that Wolfgang has had a album done for quite some time and just waiting to put it out and played in Mark tremonti’s band as well, I don’t think Sammy had any fantasies, I feel like he was just throwing the idea out there, hey if we do this, nobody has to be left out.I really think that’s all that is about… And let’s not forget rolling Stone ask him to do an interview and he’s just answering the questions it’s not like he held a press conference and sent out a press junket for his ideas on Van Halen, just answering the questions..And as far as Aaron Hagar he always has great things to say about his music. Once again,Sammy doesn’t want to leave anybody out , he feels like life is too short. I really think that’s just Sammy is a happy guy and wants everybody to be happy and get along. Just my 2 cents.Peace yall

    1. Christopher, I agree, I’ve been saying pretty much the same thing for years! Sammy is an optimist, he has had an amazing career, not perfect, he has made some mistakes along the way, and I’m sure he has some regrets as well, who doesn’t? He has been hounded with the same questions over and over for years, and he answers them the best he can at that moment in time. The Hagar haters just don’t get it, and they never will. Sammy still believes there’s a reason for hope, that a Van Hagar reunion is still possible, what is wrong with that? As much as I love The Waboritas, Chickenfoot, and The Circle, I for one would LOVE to see a Van Hagar reunion! And I’m sure I’m not the only one.

  4. Just like MJ said in The Last Dance. It started with a lot of hope and a match 2 light the flame. Think Sammys lighting a match….I have a lot hope.

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