Legendary English guitarist John Sykes (Tygers Of Pan Tang, Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Blue Murder, Sykes) has died at the age of 65.
Earlier today (January 20th),the following statement was posted on Sykes‘s social media, “It is with great sorrow we share that John Sykes has passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer. He will be remembered by many as a man with exceptional musical talent but for those who didn’t know him personally, he was a thoughtful, kind, and charismatic man whose presence lit up the room.
He certainly marched to the beat of his own drum and always pulled for the underdog. In his final days, he spoke of his sincere love and gratitude for his fans who stuck by him through all these years.
While the impact of his loss is profound and the mood somber, we hope the light of his memory will extinguish the shadow of his absence.”
Sykes co-wrote nine of the tracks on Whitesnake‘s classic 1987 album Whitesnake, including mega-hits Still Of The Night and Is This Love?

13 Responses
Very sad… my heart goes out to his family & friends & to Dana , I think alot of us were hoping to hear John play again someday – RIP
Oh, Dana… I’m so, so sorry. I always smiled at your comments about John.
Hi Dana
I heard the news this evening. It was actually my mum who told me about it. She said that she had read that ‘some guitarist’ had died; thought he might have been in Whitesnake as well as another band. As soon as she said that I said: “You don’t mean John Sykes?”
Anyway, she showed me the article and sure enough I was right. When I saw it, I said to mum that I knew of somebody a long way from England that absolutely loved and adored Mr Sykes; and I thought I’d better check in and see how they were.
So how are you? Devastated I’m sure. If there is any positives that can be taken, it is that John is no longer suffering and in pain. Another positive is that despite him no longer being physically here amongst us (which is what we all miss when somebody we love passes) like many others John is going to live forever. Put on ‘Thunder and Lightning’, Whitesnake (1987 if you prefer) or the debut from Blue Murder – John Sykes will always be there and will always be alive.
My sincere condolences to all family, friends and fans at this time. I, like John did many times, might have to plug in my Les Paul tonight and jam – In the Still of the Night…..
Hello my British Bud,
You are so lovely, and thank you for checking in on me!
Yes, my heart is broken. I think like everyone else, Eddie included, who had a very close relationship with John, we are all in shock.
Unlike many other musicians, whom the public knew were ill, or battling health problems, Sykes was clearly very private. It seems even those with a close relationship, were left in the dark. That is what makes this loss so much more difficult, as there was no preparation, for the possible inevitability.
But, as I wrote on the other post, I will always remember John as young, vibrant, beautiful and beyond talented. I can only hope that his loss may expose others, to learning more about him.
Finally, we can all agree, cancer sucks! I hope and pray, to witness this disease eradicated in my lifetime, it is long overdue.
I thought of you and your love for John immediately….so sad….his work with Lizzy and “Cold Sweat ” is an amazing riff…
I’m somewhat a new fan of his, never got into Thin Lizzy or Whitesnake, and never heard of Blue Murder until Dana told me about them and insisted I listen to them. I now have three cds and was listening to them all in his honor when I heard he passed away. I also never knew he was in Tygers of Pan Tang until recently. They’ve never been a huge favorite of mine but they are still pretty good.
I was shocked to hear he passed away out of nowhere. I honestly thought of Dana first, thinking she’d be crushed. It’s sad he didn’t seem to get the recognition or credit over the years that he deserved. He was one hell of a guitarist that’s for sure, and made some great music.
Thank you so much for that comment, it meant a lot to me.
Please expose his music to as many as you can, we all need to keep his memory alive.