
Other than the pre-Super Bowl show last month, Metallica have been lying low so far this year. Nevertheless, they’re anticipating a very busy 2016. Although they have no tour dates on the books as of right now, Lars Ulrich tells Kory Grow of Rolling Stone that will change once they get past one big hurdle.

“I think it will be a pretty in-your-face year, at least the back half of it,” the drummer says. “Obviously, we’ve gotta finish the new record now. But, thankfully we’re quite far along. Hopefully we should be able to knock that on the head this spring, I would guess. So, we will be gearing up and playing shows and doing all that fun stuff again soon.”

As the group has been keeping an eye toward the future with the new LP, the band members have also been keenly aware of the records that got them to this point in time. In addition to writing and recording the LP, Metallica have also been prepping deluxe reissues of their debut, 1983’s Kill ‘Em All, and its follow-up, 1984’s Ride the Lightning, in time for Record Store Day, when they’ll also put out a live album they recorded at Paris’ Bataclan to benefit charity. They’ve also worked with author Matt Taylor on his book, Back to the Front, which covers the making of 1986’s Master of Puppets and is due out later this year.

“There’s been this dichotomy between the new record, moving the band forward, and all this great stuff that’s happening in the future, and then really seeing the Matt Taylor book and reissues,” Ulrich says. “We’ve had one foot in the past, sifting through old photos and old memorabilia and listening to old songs, and another in the new album. It’s been a confluence of all these different energies, and I’m not even sure exactly what to make of all of it.”

Read more at Rolling Stone.


6 Responses

  1. I prefer the Metallica’s 80’s thrash albums compared to anything they have put out since. During that period, the band had an attitude that was reflected in their music, and I found their lyrical content insightful and meaningful. I just hope the new Metallica album has that attitude. In terms of aggression and attitude, 80’s thrash bands like Slayer, Megadeth, Death Angel, and Testament’s most recent releases far surpass the last few albums Metallica has released. While Death Magnetic was a step in that direction, I thought it fell short of its hyped “return to thrash roots”. So, here’s hoping the new Metallica album is “in your face” too, not just the year. \m/

    1. I read this opinion often on teh internets, and I don’t get it, personally. Their lyrical content was insightful and and meaningful? They wrote those lyrics as early 20’s kids on booze, then they grew up. Slayer and Megadeth never got the memo. Those two bands, (and I use the term “band” loosely with Megadeth, because “Lord” Dave’s ego doesn’t leave room for anyone else) have succeeded in writing the same riffs over and over again on nearly every album. The new Slayer album is marginal at best, and the new Megadeth album sounds like B sides and regurgitated sophomoric lyrics.

      Metallica is the one and only band of that era, and genre to push the boundaries and try new things.
      I like every single Metallica album from Kill em all to St. Anger. I thought Load and ReLoad were great, heavy albums, the Black album is legendary. Metallica was always more than a thrash band, you can hear that early on, I don’t know why people still peg them as one, and why people are so caught up with labels. It’s all heavy.

      I Disappear is still one of my favorite Metallica songs. What a groove that song has. I, personally, miss that part of Metallica.

      I’ve said this before. Many “fans” don’t want a band, they don’t want artistry, and they don’t something different. They want a product to consume. It’s also reflective of the general demographics of metal music, which is very conservative, which is odd for a genre of music that is supposed to be about rebellion and going against the grain. I guess not.

      That’s probably an unpopular opinion here, but there are some great metal bands pushing the boundaries, and that’s what it needs, not the same thing over and over again. Thats’ what kills the music.

    2. Michael, your so far off with your comments it is on the verge of being ridiculous. Load and reload is just that, a load of shit that when I bought it i took it straight back to the store and tried to get my money back. Metallic early stuff is what made them and St anger and load almost broke them. At least with megedeth and slayer i know I will get what I want. Straight in your face metal. Everytime.

    3. If you’ve enjoyed ‘this’ version of Metallica, then more power to you. However as most bands usually evolve over their careers, I think it’s safe to say the Metallica flat out changed their style period. As time goes on, it becomes very clear to me that the first 4 albums have a lot more influence of Burton and even Mustaine than I would have realized. The Black album is a great album. But even by then you can see their thrash days coming to an end and their commercial era beginning. I understand the fan who states they liked Load and Reload, but to me they’re just plain silly albums that cemented the fact that Metallica wasn’t a thrash band anymore. Now with 2 remaining original members left, you can tell that Ulrich and Hetfield couldn’t write a good thrash album if they tried. It’s just not in them to do it. Nobody can deny their success and they are still a great live show. But the band that put out Master of Puppets is no more and not even close. While Anthrax continues to put out some of their best music under the thrash banner, Metallica struggles to find themselves creatively. That’s what going commercial does to you.

    4. I totally agree with your assessment. There is a certain contingent of Metallica fans (and/or former fans) who want the band to sound and look exactly like they did in 1986. This is true of certain other bands’ fans too. The irony of course (and this may sound harsh…) is that none of these fans are the same people they were in 1986 – and if they think they are, they probably still live in their parents’ basement and are laughed at for looking like aging, balding, overweight relics trying to live up to some long-dead stereotype.

      As you state, Metallica was always more than just a “thrash” band. That’s what made them great in 1986, and it’s still what makes them great today. Granted, I don’t like all their work (Lulu, anyone?), but they do something very few other bands have the ambition or guts to do – they push their own envelope. Sometimes they succeed. Other times they don’t. That’s what makes them great. It’s also what makes them still relevant after 30+ years, still selling out stadiums, and still gaining new fans.

  2. Former members of Steelheart/Dio/ Courtney LOve /Lion /and Puddle of Mudd just released a new record under the name Chillin Sun it’s available thru Amazom and Itunes Check it out!!!!

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