littlecaesar640 Little Caesar have confirmed the departure of guitarist Joey Brasier as a result of scheduling problems. He has been replaced by Joey Malone ahead of the band’s UK tour in April.

In a statement, Little Caesar says “Due to conflicts and complications in our upcoming tour schedule, Joey Brasler will no longer be a member of Little Caesar. We will be eternally grateful for his contributions over the last four years in creating great music. Replacing Joey Brasler will be Joey Malone, who has made music with the likes of Steven Tyler, Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp. The four original members are excited about him joining our family for our UK and Europe tours, as well as future recordings.”

Little Caesar’s most recent album was 2012′s American Dream, including lead track Dirty Water (see below). The band return to the UK in April:

Apr 4: Swansea Sin City
Apr 8: Wolverhampton Slade Rooms
Apr 9: Newcastle Cluny
Apr 10: Glasgow Stereo
Apr 11: Sheffield Corporation
Apr 12: London Underworld



23 Responses

    1. In my humble opinion I think that cover makes Arthea’s version look lame and is one of the best covers I have ever heard. Also, it wasn’t the band’s decision to release that song, but the record company’s, who basically did nothing for them.

      BTW Chris, let me know when your band has a video that appears anywhere, so I can “comment” on it 😉

      Dana from

    2. K this needs to stop. I have too many jokes to post, but respect Dana too much to post them. But I can only hang on for so long.

    3. OK, so I go back and listen to the cover. Not bad, not the greatest, but Dana I’m on Youtube but I will not give you the link,lol. Maybe a little harsh on my part. It’s just that I really don’t know the band. Seems that they don’t really deserve an article in ET site.

    4. Okay, fair enough Chris. But, I think they were a good band who never got a fair shake, so that why I post about them. Just skip it next time 🙂

      Dana from 🙂

  1. LC us a really great band, a very underrated band who deserves a lot more attention than they get. I believe Ron Young appeared on the Ace Frehley tribute album “Spacewalk” and on the latest Kiss tribute album – which is a helluva lot more than those who criticize LC here.

    Here’s an idea, why you critics actually listen to their albums, BEFORE you even say a word about a band. That’s the least you can do.

    I love their “American dream” album – and that would be a good place to start.

  2. I saw these guys play a club back in 1990 and was surprised how different they were live in both appearance and sound compared to the stuff they were releasing as singles. They had a ballad out that was getting a lot of airplay around that time – actually one of the better songs to come out that year – but they didn’t play it at their show. I’m suspecting that was more label pressure during that era with having an obligatory ballad out, though the band live was more raw, ballsy hard rock and more befitting of their dirty biker image at the time than what you heard on the radio. A classic example of how you can’t judge a band by its name or their singles. I had to click on this post since I thought I was seeing things with it being around 20 comments and counting. Where else would Little Caesar get this much press and attention. Gotta love this site.

  3. I saw these guys open for KISS on the HITS Tour in Maine USA. They were fantastic and should have hit big. Much respect for them to be still making great music all these years without the commercial success. True musicians who deserve recognition here and any other music site smart enough to acknowledge them. Thanks for keeping us informed.

    1. Thank you as well, Mark. All the positive comments are much appreciated.

      Dana from 🙂

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