kiss-return KISS have released a statement on their official website addressing the Rock Hall induction. Here is what it states:

“To All Our Fans In Regards To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:

Out of respect, Ace and Peter’s recent statements demand a quick response to you, our fans.

Our intention was to celebrate the entire history of KISS and give credit to all members including long time present members Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer, and additionally Bruce Kulick and Eric Carr all who have made this band what it is, regardless of the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame’s point of view.

Although KISS has moved forward far longer without them, Ace and Peter are at the very foundation of what we have built and this would all be impossible had they not been a part of it in the beginning.

It is over 13 years since the original lineup has played together in make-up and we believe the memory of those times would not be enhanced. Contrary to claims made through the media we have never refused to play with Ace and Peter.

We have spent 40 years dedicated to building KISS without quitting or wavering as the band has moved forward with huge tours and platinum albums through different important lineups for forty years, to this day.

KISS has always been a band unlike any other. That is why we started KISS. That is why we continue KISS. Being unlike other bands also means making choices and decisions unlike other bands.

This is understandably an emotional situation where there is no way to please everyone.

To bring this to a quick end, we have decided not to play in any line-up and we will focus our attention on celebrating our induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

We are excited and are looking forward to seeing you all on the KISS 40th Anniversary worldwide tour.”


201 Responses

  1. Said it before right here… Peter and Ace should put some other clowns in Gene and Paul makeup and play at the HOF (what a joke to even call themselves that) induction. Could only be better than the current line-up…

  2. My first concert was KISS at Olympia Stadium, Detroit for the Alive II tour. I know that the band/brand has made and will continue to make gazillions of dollars in whatever form the band takes. Its sad to see it play out in the real time media as it has. But the reality is that they are “4 kids from the streets of New York” and subject to the same issues any of us are. They are no better or worse or more or less human. They found their niche and will ride it til the wheels come off. If they were inducted in 1999 this wouldn’t have been an issue. But if there were a RRHOF in 1988 again it may have been a problem. So I guess it was just a bad year to be inducted, lol.

  3. They should either refit the new members they induct with their own makeup style or have a tour called “Mirror Images” where Ace and Tommy and Peter and Eric are all playing double guitars and drums. How would that be? Killer! But they should play like all other bands that are inducted and they should start putting new members in their own make-up, which is probably why Gene and Paul want the same make-up for their band so later than can pick who will be in their places. It sucks the originals may never play together, who knows?

  4. Hey Eddie maybe you can get Peter, Ace to play IN MAKEUP and get two replacements that can still sing and put them in Paul and Genes makeup for the R&RHOF induction and have them live on your show, advertise the hell out of it, air it the same night as the R&RHOF show and see who has better ratings, I bet you would by far….

  5. Paul via Twitter on 1/14/14: “@SirSWillis: @PaulStanleyLive Sorry to ask Paul, do you think me, as a 16 year old ever see the original lineup perform” No. Happier now.

    Kiss statement on 2/23/14: “Contrary to claims made through the media we have never refused to play with Ace and Peter.”

    Is isn’t the media making claims, it’s Paul. Obviously Paul and Gene have the right to manage Kiss however they want, but that statement is such a CMA BS piece, it’s laughable. All I read from that statement was “Peter and Ace went public with the truth so we are deflecting blame to the HOF.”

    I think Paul’s wig is on too tight.

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