Spencer Kaufman of Consequence Heavy reports:

KISS’ final show ever took place at Madison Square Garden….at the end of the concert, after the actual band played its last song, fans witnessed a one-song performance of God Gave Rock and Roll to You by digital KISS avatars.

A press release shortly followed, explaining that a “new era of KISS” is upon us, and that the band is “marking the end of its physical existence by crossing into the digital world.” The plan is for avatars of KISS to “perform to fans for decades to come.”

The KISS avatars were created by George Lucas’ visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic using motion-capture technology involving the band members themselves. The forthcoming KISS avatar shows will be in partnership with Pophouse Entertainment Group, the Swedish company behind the recent virtual ABBA Voyage production in London.

“We can be forever young and forever iconic by taking us to places we’ve never dreamed of before,” explained KISS’ Gene Simmons. “The technology is going to make Paul [Stanley] jump higher than he’s ever done before.”

Stanley added, “What we’ve accomplished has been amazing, but it’s not enough. The band deserves to live on because the band is bigger than we are … It’s exciting for us to go the next step and see KISS immortalized. I mean, we’ve spent 50 years building it to this point. And by working with ILM and working with Pophouse, we’re all sharing this vision of taking KISS to a completely different level beyond being just a music band. And we’ve always thought of ourselves as more than just a music band.”

As of now, no KISS avatar shows have been announced. Video footage of the sneak peek at the end of KISS’ Madison Square Garden concert can be seen below, along with a promo video and an image of Simmons creating his avatar in a motion capture suit.

24 Responses

  1. Tommy and Eric have never looked natural in the make up because they didn’t design it so it doesn’t reflect their personalities. The Avatars would be awesome if the designs were of Peter and Ace’s likeness. I’m glad Tommy and Eric kept KISS going for the last couple of decades but they have always looked stupid and unnatural in the make up. Hopefully someone will hack it and put Peter and Ace in their rightful place. This Avatar decision is goofy and a tragedy to Peter and Ace.

    1. Seriously? They don’t look “natural”?
      Nobody looks natural in Kabuki makeup, not even Kabuki performers, that’s the whole point, they’re hiding behind the character, thus the makeup. I’m not even going to attempt to get into ridiculous notion of how the Starchild, Catman, Spaceman and Demon costuming can possibly be natural or not.
      Peter and Ace don’t have a rightful “place” anymore. First they quit, then they each sold their rights because the money became more important to them than their “place” and then they quit again. The only “tragedy” is the one Peter and Ace created, and then created again, for themselves

    2. Nick, I agree with D7’s comment. Tommy and Eric are not “natural” as the personas they depict….It’s got nothing to do with the makeup or costumes. They just don’t “fit” as those characters. The original four developed those original characters based on their personas. Tommy and Eric should have been allowed to do the same when they became part of KI$$……not to copy personas of Ace and Peter.

      And why the avatars depict Tommy and Eric rather than Ace and Peter makes no sense. Why would the avatar creators copy a copy of the oringal characters??? And why would Gene and Paul allow it?

      I hope this avatar venture is a tremendous business failure. But as long as there is a kid with $100 in his pocket, Gene and Paul will try to figure out some way to get it.

  2. I’ll pass, never been into this virtual reality crap! Even if Ace & Peter were involved I still wouldn’t be interested. The music, photos, videos, and the memories are enough for me.

    1. Nick, does your dad and Paul know you’re on here? You know they both refuse to talk to Eddie.

      P.S. – Your sister is hotter than hell!!!!

  3. I checked out when saw then in 2000 on their farewell tour. These shmucks did not even acknowledge Ace, or Peter, not even Eric Carr, nor Bruce and Bob Kulick, Vinnie Vincent , Mark St John. Not even their current manager Doc McGhee. nor even Bill Aucoin, who practically bank rolled the band, with his credit card for the tours. With out these people, KISS wouldn’t have been possible.

    Immortal? Please get over yourself. I hope no one gives these goons anymore of their money. I heard one of them say the fans own Kiss. If that’s true, we should see some profit, not draining our wallets, for a sub par avatar show on a movie screen.
    Kiss was responsible for getting me into heavy music, but I can’t support this, it is worse than lip syncing.

    Mic drop

    1. Dude, did you expect a band, in the middle of every concert, to suddenly stop and do some kind of honor roll? That’s totally ridiculous! Try holding GnR to the same standard, Rose would be naming names more than he’d be singing. Besides, if you need to take a piss that badly, do it during the drum solo like everyone else!
      BTW, Ace doesn’t really need an acknowledgement, he gives himself one every time he opens his mouth. Bob Klick was never, ever a member of the band. Vinny doesn’t deserve a mention, he was AOL for 2 decades+ in a van down by the river but he still managed to sue the band and lose each time. Seriously, would you stop every show to kiss his ass?

      Now, as far as the Avatar thing, it’s not a great idea but it could work as part of a multimedia show and tour. If they had a band or multiple bands in different places made up of musician/actors who’d go on stage doing what the avatars were doing on screen it’d make for an interesting show. Kiss has 20 studio albums, if each tour were to combine 2 of those albums they could get 5 – 10 years out of the enterprise.

  4. Charles,
    Your 100% right! They did not acknowledge Ace,Pete,Bruce,Eric,Vinnie or Mark, Bill Acoin & Doc should have been mentioned- incredibly insensitive and classless- unfortunately not surprising…..

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