Spencer Kaufman of Consequence Heavy reports:

KISS’ final show ever took place at Madison Square Garden….at the end of the concert, after the actual band played its last song, fans witnessed a one-song performance of God Gave Rock and Roll to You by digital KISS avatars.

A press release shortly followed, explaining that a “new era of KISS” is upon us, and that the band is “marking the end of its physical existence by crossing into the digital world.” The plan is for avatars of KISS to “perform to fans for decades to come.”

The KISS avatars were created by George Lucas’ visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic using motion-capture technology involving the band members themselves. The forthcoming KISS avatar shows will be in partnership with Pophouse Entertainment Group, the Swedish company behind the recent virtual ABBA Voyage production in London.

“We can be forever young and forever iconic by taking us to places we’ve never dreamed of before,” explained KISS’ Gene Simmons. “The technology is going to make Paul [Stanley] jump higher than he’s ever done before.”

Stanley added, “What we’ve accomplished has been amazing, but it’s not enough. The band deserves to live on because the band is bigger than we are … It’s exciting for us to go the next step and see KISS immortalized. I mean, we’ve spent 50 years building it to this point. And by working with ILM and working with Pophouse, we’re all sharing this vision of taking KISS to a completely different level beyond being just a music band. And we’ve always thought of ourselves as more than just a music band.”

As of now, no KISS avatar shows have been announced. Video footage of the sneak peek at the end of KISS’ Madison Square Garden concert can be seen below, along with a promo video and an image of Simmons creating his avatar in a motion capture suit.

24 Responses

    1. Hello Dana once again!

      Well of course the avatars are Copy Cat and Fake Ace; after all the management wouldn’t want the fans to be “Confused” because….. so I’ve heard – nobody knows who Ace Frehley and Peter Criss are.

      I’m being sarcastic of course….

      To have had the originals turned into avatars, when it comes to payment…..and that’s why you’ve got Copy Cat and Fake Ace: They don’t cost as much.

      I won’t be going to see it. I saw the originals in 1999 and I’m glad that I did. If the grand idea is to make this the same as the ABBA shows in London, with all the hopes and dreams that goes with it, let me point something out.

      ABBA stopped performing live over 40 years ago. KISS hadn’t been finished 40 seconds and they began trying to sell the avatar show. ABBA’s audience is much more widespread and diverse, and the shows in London (in a purpose built arena just for it) has a waiting list for tickets of (so we’re told)……FIVE YEARS.

      Although KISS is a big time act, is their fanbase as big as ABBA’s? No chance. Will it sell out? For sure, but that will probably be the “buy and go and see whatever KISS line-up is performing brigade”.

      I think that most, however, will be glad of the memories and be happy to let that part of their lives go. I stopped attending concerts in 2017. Do I miss it? Absolutely not. It served a purpose and then came the time to stop. KISS’S time came on Saturday – and I believe that it should have been put to rest for good.

      But who am I to say anything?

      After all, I stopped caring years ago.

    2. Well, it kind of makes sense, doesn’t it? If Ace’s and Peter’s likenesses were included in this latest venture, they’d get into all the old negotiations about who gets 1/4 of the money and, if not, “give me X million dollars,” etc. etc.

      This KISS Avatars idea might be good for a Las Vegas show like the Beatles’ Love, but it’s going to be a spectacular dud if the plan is to “tour” the country in place of the real band.

    3. Of course it comes down to money, that seems to be the bottom line for most people, especially in the entertainment, legal and political realms.

      But I do believe, that if KISS is going to carry on through use of these “avatars,” they should have the original band members represented. They have enough money, that they could have successfully negotiated with Ace and Peter. I think it may go beyond dollars and sense (yes this is a pun), and could be crossing over into personal issues, but what do I know?

  1. Well I think this is hilarious, maddening, stupid, silly and disgusting all rolled up into one. No reference to any past members at the final show. Same old set list. Kiss (Paul & Gene) have certainly moved on from the true die hard fans many years ago and are strictly targeting the so called “casual fan.” Let’s make one thing clear. Avatars are NOT REAL PEOPLE!!! So there is no immortality here. It’s unbelievable how far Kiss has crossed the line and believing they are so much holier than thou. It’s pathetic. They have cheated the true fans with fraud, lip syncing and lies pretty much from the Destroyer album to the present. I want to sell off my Kiss collection so bad now. But I enjoy the music too much and so I have chosen to simply make Kiss all about the music and nothing else. They lost my respect as human beings 20 years ago. Paul Stanley is one of the most insecure lying bastards to ever breathe air. Gene has matured somewhat over the years and profit is not a dirty word per se but he’s just as guilty of deception too. “Immortalizing” Thayer and Singer? This is the last post and waste of breath I will ever exert about Kiss on this message board. Looking forward to the new Ace Frehley record!

  2. I wonder if Gene and Paul ever invested in NEW Coke too? This new era avatar KISS is so ridiculous on its face, I’m embarrassed to be a lifelong KISS fan.

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