paulstanley400 Robin Leach of the Las Vegas Sun spoke with KISS frontman Paul Stanley. Excerpts from the interview appear below.

Las Vegas Sun:….it’s the first time you’re playing a residency at the Hard Rock, but why is it the icing on the cake?

Stanley: Well because it’s new territory for us, and what KISS has always been about is going against the grain and really doing things in our time and when it feels right for us. There was a time where quite honestly everyone thought of Las Vegas as an elephant burial ground.

It was the more glittery branch in Missouri for some people, but it’s so unique. There was also a time where the best food you could get was a $1.99 prime rib. Now if I want a great meal, I go to Las Vegas. You can’t get a comparable meal in Los Angeles to what you can get in Las Vegas.

Everything has changed so much, and it’s always seemed like a perfect fit for us to be in Las Vegas, but for a lot of reasons, it just wasn’t meant to be. Now the planets have lined up, and everything is as it should be, and we will come in and do what we do.

We are doing a KISS show in Las Vegas, we are not doing a Las Vegas show with KISS. We are a rock and roll band, and we will do what we do — better than any band at this point.

Las Vegas Sun: Are you changing the tour show?

Stanley: Completely different stage. At this point, our influence is so widespread that virtually any rock band you go see live is doing the KISS show. The only thing they can never be is KISS. Anybody with money can buy pyro, can buy lasers, but you can never be us. So for us to come into Las Vegas, we’ll set a different level honestly.

It’s an amazing thing for us to be able to go into a smaller venue and not downsize. Usually going into a smaller venue means doing a smaller show, but because this show isn’t portable and because this show is a permanent installation, we can do things that we couldn’t when you have to break the show down every night.

Las Vegas Sun: In terms of rock and roll, Motley Crue is calling it quits on its current world tour. Are you saying KISS will not call it quits and go on maybe with other musicians?

Stanley: Oh, totally; absolutely. We are unlike any other band. We are closer to an army. We are closer to a sports team. I’m not foolish enough to think that I’m the only person to do what I do. The Yankees continued without Babe Ruth. Time marches on, and if you’re part of a movement or part of a commitment to a cause, then when you’re time is done … look, if you fall in battle, someone picks up your gun and runs.

Somebody has to carry the flag, and that’s what KISS is about. KISS is about a lifestyle and self-empowerment and going against the odds and believing in yourself. I guess enjoying the fruits of hard work. That’s not singular to me. People who said that was not possible in terms of KISS are already 50 percent wrong. The lineup is now 40 years on, and two of the members are not the original members, but they are far better at this point than the original members.

Read more at the Las Vegas Sun.


198 Responses

  1. Glittery branch in Missouri? Since I live in Mo. What’s that all about? Is he putting Missouri down or what? I’m just so sick of Kiss at this point. Gene and Paul have just destroyed their legacy. Making the bank but man. They just can’t quit blasting Ace and Peter. Hahaha!! No FUCKING WAY PAUL THIS LINEUP EVEN COMES CLOSE TO Ace, Gene, Peter and Paul. Sorry man. You kidding yourself. I mean shit Tommy has been playin Aces licks for over 10 yrs. now and he still isn’t as good as Ace. That’s just a fact. I play guitar so I feel like I know that.

  2. Paul Stanley should really do a little history research before he opens up his mouth and rants about stuff that only he wants him to hear and everyone else believe. He did a interview, or should I say started a interview with a very respected DJ here in L.A. After Paul went on his Ace and Peter rant the DJ amusingly asked Paul about his concern with Paul and Gene’s control issues and a few other interesting details that are and were just as damaging to Ace and Peter. Paul abruptly said, “INTERVIEW OVER” and walked out! Paul couldn’t control the interview. So the real issue is Paul can dish it out but Paul nor Gene can face their own demons, go figure. Maybe a huge part of the reason why they have to balance their tours with co-headliners. Hey at the end of the day Paul and Gene were just as destructive as Ace and Peter were but they won’t ever face their own issues nor admit them. And it is also evident with the internet world now that the real truth of these matters are showing. Paul and Gene can’t control Twitter, Facebook, or Eddie’s site and that is triggering a lot of bitterness and a lot of ruthless frivolous attacks on Pete and Ace.

    1. LOL! You’re hilarious-Lee entertaining me with your comments and love affair of the current version of Kiss.

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