Greg Prato of Brave Words spoke with singer Joe Lyn Turner. Excerpts from the interview appear below.

BraveWords: ..You have some upcoming US dates and European dates this summer.

Joe Lynn Turner: “Yes, we’re doing two quick ones [in the US] – one at Vamp’s in Vegas and then we’re hitting the Whisky in Hollywood, then I come back for about a week or whatever it is, and then mid-June, we go back out to Europe and continue doing some pretty big festivals, some private shows – all kinds of stuff.”

BraveWords: What can fans expect from these shows?

Joe Lynn Turner: “I think the ones in California…because I haven’t been out there in forever, I think will be mostly the Rainbow/Purple stuff – maybe with one or two originals mixed in. And doing some acoustic. When I do acoustic, I do a lot of influences – everything from the Beatles, the Doors, Van Morrison. Whatever my influences were when I was a kid. So it’s going to be a mixed set of different things. Nobody was out there doing the Rainbow stuff and people want to hear it, so I was carrying the torch. I think next year I’ll change the set up to be completely just solo stuff.”

BraveWords: Any forthcoming projects?

Joe Lynn Turner: “I’ve got what I call ‘the secret project’ right now – I’m working with a producer in Sweden. He’s pretty well known and has done some really great things, and he’s got his own band which is pretty well known. But at the same time, it’s going to be a different style for me. When I say ‘different style,’ I mean it’s going to be a different usage of the voice – in a way that’s more dark, heavy, yet still accessible. When I say ‘accessible,’ it’s a dirty word for commercial, but I’ve always been a melodic singer. I like singing melodies, I like people to remember the choruses, the hooks. But at the same time, it will be a darker sounding record. I’m hoping to go to Sweden for two weeks and lock ourselves into the studio and do about six or seven more songs, and we’ll know better where the direction is. Right now, I’m also promoting Sunstorm, which just put out Edge Of Tomorrow and a brand new video (see below). It’s doing very well – it was just released May 13th. I’m trying to get a tour on that, but it’s very difficult these days, because the economy. Money’s tight – promoters are only betting on sure things. So Frontiers Records offered us a show in Milan, but you don’t rehearse a band for a week and a half/two weeks to do one show. You want to take it out on the road. But the days of tour support are pretty much over. It’s a whole different paradigm.”

BraveWords: When do you think the ‘secret project’ album will be released?

Joe Lynn Turner: “There’s a lot of factors – that’s why I’ve put a distant date on it, of the fall of ’17, because we’re going to work this summer, and then we’re going to record, and we’re going to get some guest stars, and we’ve got a whole bunch of different plans. To put all that together is not easy – especially when he’s got schedules and I’ve got schedules. That’s the tough thing nowadays – everybody’s got to eat and have families. We’re not kids anymore and we’ve got responsibilities. So it’s not like you can just take a month off. I mean, you can – I usually do during the winter months, but I record during the winter months. But we’re trying to get the writing done, then during the winter months record it all, and then hopefully we might even make a spring release.”

Read more at Bravewords.


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