Jake E. Lee recently spoke with Tone-Talk. The former Ozzy Osbourne guitarist questions a story recounted in Motley Crue’s, The Dirt, about the Prince Of Darkness snorting a line of ants.

Lee said,” “I was there, and I never saw ants. I was right there. He snorted a little spider. There was a not a trail of f–king ants there. [Mötley Crûe drummer] Tommy [Lee] says it, Nikki says it, Ozzy says it — they were f–ked up. I was not. I was just trying to get a f–king sun tan. That’s all I was doing. They were getting f–ked up. Ozzy snorted a little tiny stupid spider that was crawling across. There was no ants — there was no f–king ants. I don’t care what the other guys say — there was no ants.”

What about the “urine” portion of the story, Lee stated,”Oh, that was true. It started with a contest. It was Nikki and it was Ozzy. I think it started in the pool. They were in the swimming pool, and they kind of raced, and, of course, Ozzy lost. And [they had] a push-up contest, and, of course, Ozzy lost. Ozzy was getting tired of losing, and he stepped it up. I do remember at one point, Ozzy was sitting there. He got this weird look on his face. He was sitting on the concrete, and piss started flowing out underneath him. And he was obviously doing a lot of vitamins, ’cause [the urine] was, like, lime green. So Nikk Sixx, I remember, pissed on the girl he was with. She was lounging. She was not happy about it. Ozzy pissed on the ground. [Nikki] saw that and he went over and pissed on the girl that he was with in the lounge chair. And that’s when Ozzybent over and started licking his own green piss up. That’s where I said, ‘Okay, I’m outta here.’ Not only is that happening, there’s families on the other side of the pool — children and mothers and fathers looking horrified, like, ‘What the f–k is going on over there?'”

He then added, “That is my recollection. And Ozzy snorted this little spider that was crawling across. There was no ants. It’s a minor detail.”

Listen to Jake’s E. Lee’s interview, below.

10 Responses

    1. Most of these hyperbolic tales, end up being just that, nothing more than the erroneous memories of addicts.

      Perhaps, that is a positive, most of these stories are nothing to be proud of, nor boasted about, anyway.

  1. If the story of urinating on a woman is true, that is absolutely disgusting behavior on Sixx’ part. What a horrible thing to do to any person.

    So there is this story, as well as the Crue story of the “cherry popping” and sex in the back of the limo. How would Nikki feel if some guy treated one of his daughters the way Nikki treated these women? I think it’s just disgusting.

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