Guitarist George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob, KXM, The End Machine) recently spoke with Clint Switzer of the Music Mania podcast. The full conversation can be streamed below (interview starts at the 5:50 mark). A few excerpts follow (as transcribed by

Discussing the recently released self-titled debut album by The End Machine, featuring Lynch, bassist Jeff Pilson, drummer Mick Brown and vocalist Robert Mason:

“We’re excited about the record. For Jeff and I, it’s really just sort of a seamless evolution of our history together, all through Dokken and beyond. We’re close friends and we’re neighbors, and we work together as much as possible because we’re kind of made for each other. [Laughs] It’s just really a wonderful thing — when we get together, the chemistry is so quick. We just read each others’ minds and finish each others’ sentences. We love writing together, so any time we get a chance or an excuse to work on some music, we do. It all came together on this record. We’ve done a couple of other records post-Dokken together, most notably LP [Lynch/Pilson] and T&N, and they were really good records and we’re proud of them, but there’s really good records and then there’s those wall-to-wall records, where it’s just… I don’t want to sound like I’m beating my own horn, but I’m just really happy with the fact that it’s one of those records where you drop the needle anywhere, and it’s all killer, no filler… We hit all our bases, and I think we really reveal our influences on this record. You hear a lot of everything — you hear [Led] Zeppelin, you hear [Jimi] Hendrix, you hear Queen, all the stuff we grew up with. Bad Company, ZZ Top — it’s all in there.”

On performing live with The End Machine:

Very few of my projects ever see a live stage. KXM has never played out live, unfortunately. It’s kind of frustrating to do these projects and then never [be] able to flesh them out in a live context. At least we’re getting the three shows in. That’s something, and now there is some talk about possibly going to Japan later in the year. If we end up doing that, that could open the door for even more domestic touring — more dates in the States, if not this year, maybe next year. There’s no doubt that it would be a great band. We do have our work cut out for us, because it is a complex record [with] a lot of moving parts. It’s one thing to go out and do Dokken music or Lynch Mob music that I’ve been playing for decades. It’s another thing to deal with a whole new animal.”

Talking about his upcoming performance with Dokken at the M3 Rock Festival:

“I’m excited. I did one last year with them. Very, very occasionally, I’ll get up on stage with Don [Dokken] and Mick, but this is the only show I’m doing with Dokken this year, as far as I can tell. We’re doing the new studio song that we came out with last year,[It’s] Another Day. I’m excited about that — a brand new Dokken song we’ve never played live. I think it will induce some new energy into a set full of old songs.”

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