Extreme has released the official music video for the song Beautiful Girls. The song is off the band’s latest album, Six, which came out in June 2023.

The band says about the Beautiful Girls video, which was directed by guitarist Nuno Bettencourt and Rene Rigal, “Today we celebrate ALL the beautiful girls across the world with our new video. Beautiful girls come in all shapes, sizes and backgrounds and this one is for YOU.”

To listen to previously released songs off of Six, please click the highlighted song titles: Rise, Banshee, #Rebel and Other Side Of The Rainbow.

8 Responses

    1. Yep, I hear that as well! Definitely has that feel good summertime vibe to it, pretty good song.

  1. I’ve seen on other sites people BASHING this video and song for being sexist…which makes me hate people…this is a fun song and a fun video, nothing sexist about it. I absolutely LOVE this so much and it is a great addition to my summer playlist!!

    If this was 1989 this would have been a MASSIVE hit, played on every radio station. All we get on the radio today is songs with the N word repeated a dozen times and girls singing about their sexual behavior…I swear my 12 year old daughter was playing a song and one of the lines were “My Anus Is Famous”. That is ok for everyone, but a band singing a song about Beautiful Girls is not. I hate 2024….

    Sorry to rant, I sound like an old fart!!!!!

    Long Live EXTREME!!!!!

    1. Sexist? As the lone female on here, I can “say” that is preposterous.

      People have to stop, being offended over every little thing, it’s pure insanity. We have become a world, where political correctness has run so far amok, that it is actually frightening, and bordering on dystopian.

  2. I feel the Olivia Newton John “Physical” video to be very sexist and degrading towards men. I’ve been carrying this beef since 82

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