David Crosby is continuing his apology tour about his insensitive tweet(s) about the passing of legendary rock guitarist, Eddie Van Halen.

On October 21st, Crosby wrote on Twitter, “You will be happy to know that I am reliably informed by the younger members of my family that I am an old idiot and Van Halen was one of the [best] guitarists to have ever lived.”

After a Twitter follower told him that he “blew the Eddie Van Halen thing”, Crosby replied, “I did. He was an amazing guitarist but I didn’t know that. Truth is I never ever listened to that band so I was completely ignorant. No insult intended. I never listened to any of the big pop rock bands. I didn’t even own a Led Zep record and they could write.”

Van Halen tragically passed away on October 6th, after battling cancer.

Related posts:

David Crosby Draws Ire With His Tweet About Eddie Van Halen’s Passing

David Crosby Once Again Apologizes For His Eddie Van Halen Slight, Claims He “Forgot” The Iconic Guitarist Passed Away

17 Responses

  1. I’ll say it again..try and imagine modern music without him and you can’t…his music ended up in everything…but Crosby has strong opinions and he’s entitled to them…I don’t see the point of hating Crosby for his opinions.

    1. I don’t hate him, I think he is rude and completely asinine. Especially. if he is to be believed, that he is expressing his opinion about a musician/band he claims he never even heard.

    2. He sort of copped to it …it’s unfortunate he said it when he did…I respect your opinion too, by the way, even though we don’t always agree.

    3. I know it seems that way but if I take an opposite view for the sake of argument I’ll say that’s what I am doing.. or it’s so stupid that it’s obvious…lol..I really mean it most of the time.

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