ufo-with-pete-way No matter how much UFO fans might want him to return to the band, bass player Pete Way doesn’t expect to rejoin the band any time soon.

“It’s not a priority for me at the minute,” Way says in an interview in the forthcoming new issue of Classic Rock. “I don’t have a burning desire to do it. Have I been asked? Yes, I’ve been asked but I wasn’t in a place to be able to do it when I was asked. I wish them all the best, I do, honestly.”

Way, who co-founded the band in 1969 with vocalist Phil Mogg, drummer Andy Parker and guitarist Mick Bolton, has spent several periods in and out of the band.

Plagued by health problems, Way was replaced on tour as recently as 2011 by Barry Sparks [Dokken, Ted Nugent, Yngwie Malmsteen etc]. UFO have also utilized bassist of Rob de Luca [Spread Eagle, Sebastian Bach, Of Earth).

Session bassists have played on recent UFO albums; for example Lars Lehmann was credited on last year’s Seven Deadly.

Way continues, “I think they’ve had some great bass players in UFO. I’ve liked all of them. Most of them have been my mates. I’m still friends with Phil and Andy. I speak to them a lot. There’s no animosity there at all. The only person that surprises me is Paul Raymond [keyboards/rhythm guitar]. He’s said a few things that I thought we’re unnecessary, a few digs. Shame, really.”

In the past UFO’s Mogg has said the door is open for Way’s return if he can confront his health issues.

Meanwhile, Way is gearing up for the release of a new solo album, Walking On The Edge, due out on June 24th.

“There’s real variety on here.” he comments. “There are rockers, ballads, a song that sounds like Johnny Cash. I think it’s going to be good. When it’s out, I’ll tour it. I’ll tour it everywhere.”

Concerning his current lifestyle, Way says he’s off the drugs – he’s off the coke, off the smack and off the booze. Well, more or less off the booze…

“But that’s okay,” he says, “No, really, it is. I can handle that. It’s fine. When I think of what I’ve done – the drugs, the drink, the damage I’ve caused to my body – I feel blessed. I shouldn’t be here. Someone up there, I don’t know who, but someone up there is looking after me.”


One Response

  1. Pete Way is one of my heroes. And I’m a guitar player. But even though its a shame that he isn’t in UFO anymore, I feel that he probably wants it that way. And it’s great to hear that he is living a better lifestyle. It’s so sad to see people go down from drugs. And he seems like he is doing much better about them. He is probably the second best bass player of all time though, and he has made so much great music over the years.

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