Bassist Dave Ellefson, who was just let go from Megadeth amid sexual misconduct allegations, released the following statement on May 26th.

“”Recently, a very private video was illegally posted on the internet and false allegations were made against me. The actions in the video were between two consenting adults and were recorded without my knowledge. I am working with Scottsdale Police Department in their investigation into charges regarding revenge pornography to be filed against the person who posted this video. Also, my lawyers are preparing a defamation lawsuit to be filed against this person. This person will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I am taking this time to be with my family. I wish my bandmates the best with their upcoming tour.”

Megadeth is currently scheduled to take part in The Metal Tour Of The Year with Lamb Of God, Trivium and In Flames, beginning on August 20th in Austin. Megadeth has yet to name a replacement for Ellefson.

8 Responses

  1. So first and foremost, I’m not going to judge David Ellefson on the morality of this incident. Yes, he definitely was an idiot for putting himself in that position, no pun intended. But he’ll have to own up to that and smooth things out with his family, if that’s possible. And besides, who are we to judge morality, with all the other crazy sh*t that goes on in the music business (Motley Crue and The Dirt anyone?)

    Now assuming nothing illegal occurred from this incident, and from everything I’ve read so far, the woman involved was of legal age and the whole thing was consensual, then I absolutely support David’s effort to prosecute the scumbag who released the video. Was this person trying to extort David for money, and David told the person to go f**k off? I’m curious to know what kind of relationship this scumbag had with David. But revenge porn is a crime and should be prosecuted. Most of the times the victims are female. Regardless, this scumbag needs to pay for what he/she has done.

    As for Dave Mustaine firing Junior, it wasn’t surprising. His press release, where he said their relationship was already strained, was enough to tell me this incident wasn’t the main reason Ellefson was let go, just a convenient opportunity to do so. Perhaps there was some moral turpitude clause in Junior’s employment in Megadeth that gave Mustaine the opportunity to fire David without having to give him a huge payoff. And yes, even though Ellefson is an original founding member of Megadeth, he was a salaried employee in the band. Like Eddie has said repeatedly on his show, Megadeth is Dave Mustaine. I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to work with that schizophrenic turd.

    So take the rest of 2021 off to work things out David Ellefson, and hope you rebound a better person in 2022.

  2. It’s so Spinal Tap..firing Derek Smalls because…have you seen it? …I saw it on youtube…they should just laugh it off and keep going…Derek and Nigel would.

    1. It’s horrible…lol..Derek Smalls should just put out his own line of hand lotion….you have to laugh at this..

    2. I don’t think Mustaine could let it go cuz it would tarnish the Megadeth brand. Besides, Mustaine knows fans at his gigs would be flashing a “jerking off” gesture rather than flashing the “metal horns” if Ellefson was still in the band. Heck, fans will probably do it, anyway, even though he’s no longer in the band…..

    3. lol…it wasn’t like Derek Smalls was on a Zoom business call…I really don’t get what the big deal is except for matters that are his own business…unless there’s more to the story..Dave fired him probably because he sort of crapped where he ate..he has a tough case to prove in court too.

  3. Medved,
    I agree very well said , I’ve read quite a bit about this , he definitely did a stupid and hurtful thing to his family , but from all the info I could find he did nothing illegal at all , so I agree this was an act of revenge and the ” scumbag ” who posted it should be prosecuted and called out !

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