Steven Tyler has reportedly relapsed and “voluntarily” checked into rehab, his Aerosmith bandmates revealed.

“As many of you know, our beloved brother Steven has worked on his sobriety for many years,” the band wrote of the singer, 74, in a joint statement on Tuesday.

“After foot surgery to prepare for the stage and the necessity of pain management during the process, he has recently relapsed and voluntarily entered a treatment program to concentrate on his health and recovery,” the announcement went on to read.

The statement concluded by sharing Aerosmith’s plans to cancel the first set of their Las Vegas residency dates in June and July.

The decision will allow Tyler to focus on his “well-being” instead, Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton, Joey Kramer and Brad Whitford wrote.

“We will continue our 2022 dates starting in September, and we’ll let you know any further updates as soon as we can,” they explained. “We are devastated that we have inconvenienced so many of you, especially our most loyal fans who often travel great distances to experience our shows.”

After thanking their fans for “understanding,” the band members provided refund information.

Fans sent Tyler their support in the comments. “Get well,” one Instagram user wrote, while another advised the songwriter to “stay strong.”

20 Responses

  1. I am proud to have never tried any drugs and I do not drink alcohol, so I don’t understand addiction. But I can’t understand how a 74 year old man can have a drug relapse.

    I had the same situation with Kevin Dubrow when he died from a drug overdose…….why is a man in his mid 50’s still snorting cocaine???

    I guess I’ll just never understand addiction….

    Steven, I wish you well in your recovery.

    1. Rattle, that’s awesome you took care of yourself! I think when you are wealthy and have means to do what you want especially in the youth oriented music business it’s easy to live in your own bubble apart from the realities of everyday life most of us deal with – I think Tyler lives in a very different reality from avg. people-very sad situation … especially after taylor hawkins , I know more info has come out that he wasn’t necessarily a horrible drug dependent mess and his heart was enlarged in part because he was an athlete and trained doing alot of cardio and hiking , but I strongly suspect he was using more than he should have and it caught up to him …. I have zero sympathy for Tyler, but I sincerely hope he finally gets it and doesn’t let his selfishness do him in~

  2. I agree with the problems our medical system has. My wife has chronic illness and I’ve lost a lot of faith in the last couple years (in the medical system). Recently tried to get her a bag of IV fluids but getting pain killers might have been easier. The stigma of marijuana is easing but our state still hasn’t legalized it so we drive 4.5 hours to get it for her and that seems to help more than anything. Just imagine if marijuana has filled the space opioids occupies.

    1. Nathan,

      I lost faith in our medical system towards the end of the 90’s. Once insurance companies really started to take hold, and run it like a business, that is what it has become. It is no longer about health care, it’s all about money. You’re just another dollar sign, specially to the pharmaceutical industry.

    2. Nathan , so sorry your going through this.. I have not only lost faith in our health care “business ” I checked out of politics completely over 5 years ago the 2 party system is hopelessly broken and probably corrupt and un fixable in my lifetime , almost every major institution is in shambles and the middle class is suffering , I’m surprised more people aren’t high out of their minds every day….

  3. I think I may have been a little rough on tyler in my earlier comment. After reading and hearing more about it , yes he should have used better judgment, but he was probably in alot of pain 70 plus yr old bodies don’t heal as fast as they used too, he took the pain mens recognized he went too far with them and said I’m not going back down this road , and checked himself in – still not alot of sympathy but he for the most part ended up acting responsibly ~

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