Greg Prato for spoke with guitarist Ace Frehley, excerpts from the interview appear below. Last year, you got to play with Vinnie Vincent and Bruce Kulick at Creatures Fest 2022. Was that your first time ever meeting Vinnie, and what was that like?

Ace Frehley: It was real interesting. Very few people believe that all these years, I had never met Vinnie Vincent. And it wasn’t because I was trying to avoid him or vice versa. It’s just somehow, somehow, our paths never crossed. But we got along famously. I didn’t realize he was a lot shorter than me. But other than that, he got there and played some nice guitar licks. We jammed together, and it was a fun night. I was there with Vinnie… and I think Peter Criss was there, and Bruce Kulick – I’m really good friends with Bruce.

It’s really funny – I’m friends with all the guys in KISS. Even Eric Singer is a dear friend of mine. And now I’m friends with Vinnie. I never had a problem with any of these people. But for some reason, [singer] Paul [Stanley] had a problem with a lot of them. And [bassist/vocalist] Gene [Simmons]. But I’d rather not even talk about those guys since they’re retired and their career is winding down while mine is taking off. So, that’s kind of nice. Would you ever consider doing a full tour with Vinnie and/or Bruce – as three former KISS guitarists?

Ace Frehley: I don’t particularly see that happening in the future. I kind of like to run my own show and have my own band. Because think about it – how many solo albums do I have out?…So, it would be really tough to work with other guitar players who also have songs that they’ve written. There wouldn’t be enough time – it would be a three-hour show. And at age 72, I don’t feel like doing a three-hour show. I’m much happier being my own boss…There’s no alcohol allowed backstage, and I surround myself with positive people. Any type of negativity… goodbye What did you think of Vinnie‘s playing? Because he played on two KISS albums, Creatures of the Night and Lick It Up.

Ace Frehley: He’s a good guitar player. Even Paul has said in interviews that Vinnie is a really good songwriter. I never dissected any of his songwriting, but from what I understand, he was a really good songwriter. I think he’s a good guitar player…But Bruce is an excellent musician – he’s actually technically a better guitar player than me. I’d be the first to say that. But I have a certain style that I’ve developed over the years, that even if it’s a little sloppy, people always can recognize Ace Frehley solos. At least that’s what I’m reading when I read comments on YouTube.

I get it, because I’m a blues-based rock guitarist, and a lot of times, my solos – rather than playing fast like Yngwie, for example – I would rather play a slower, melodic solo that people can hum. Because if you’re playing like 50 notes in a measure, it’s pretty hard to hum. [Laughs]…


Frehley’s forthcoming album 10,000 Volts is due out February 23rd, to hear the title track, please click here.

37 Responses

  1. Why was it necessary for Ace to bring up Paul and Gene just to slag them? Makes Ace look like an a$$hole.

    Ace Frehley likes to run his own show? First thing Ace should do is fire his lead guitarist cuz that guy performs with no heart and has become a sloppy guitar player….I know, I’ve seen the show.

  2. Ace is the coolest guy from Kiss!! Best solo career! If you are lucky enough to see him live, his band is tight. Really over the top.
    And i am really thankful that he is putting out new music at his age.Looking foward to see him live again in 2024!!!!

  3. A Vinnie Vincent sighting is more rare than a Bigfoot sighting these days. Kind of curious as to what level of playing he’s maintained. I don’t expect him to be the same as decades ago, few rarely are. He seems to be acknowledged (even though grudgingly by Gene/Paul) as a good songwriter.

  4. “I’d rather not even talk about those guys since they’re retired and their career is winding down while mine is taking off.”

    Yes, but you just talked about them…and in response to a question that had nothing to do with Gene and Paul.

    And is your career really “taking off”? Ace seems to think that YouTube comments translate to him suddenly being the geriatric equivalent of Taylor Swift.

    1. I love Taylor Swift! Yep, I’m a proud Swiftie. I’ve got all her albums, I love her hits, and I’ve seen her perform live. And she’s got smart people working for her to generate album sales, sell her concerts, and build her empire.

      I went to a Street Fair a while back and I wore my Taylor Swift concert t-shirt and my Slayer ball cap…I think it’s hard for people to understand how I can love both artists.

    2. It certainly is for me, Rattle,

      The whole Swift phenomenon completely alludes me, I just don’t get it. She, like many others (Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, etc.), seems completely created by a PR machine, and I find nothing remarkable, or even talented, about her.

      For those with actual talent, watching this girl, who came from a wealthy family, buy her career, must be so frustrating.

  5. Rattlehead: if the guitarist you are referring to is Ace, I agree. He likes to run his own show, that’s hilarious. He’s always late for anything and everything. That’s running your own show? Playing like shit, is that as well? What a buffoon.

    1. Mr. Rock And Roll….yep, I am referring to Ace. He’s the lead guitarist for his own band, and has become a sloppy and uninspired guitarist.

    2. Yeah, Ace really runs the show. Eddie Trunk asked Ace who plays bass on his new album and he literally responded, “I don’t know. You’d have to ask Steve Brown.”

    3. So much haters on this site for the new year! Some of you people must be miserable.
      A lot of people love Taylor. I I do not get her music and have tried but i do love all the good that she does in the world and nice things that I read about the type of person she is.
      I have seen Ace a couple of years ago and I never seen my friends get so excited during the concert due to how great the band sounded and he was playing Kiss songs too. He is a legend and without him there would be no Kiss!!!!!!

    4. George, nobody on this site is “hating”. We are all passionate about the music and the artists we enjoy. Of course there are artists we don’t like, and we will often share our reasons. Some have contrary opinions, and that’s cool… and respected. But I wouldn’t consider it “hating” or classify it as people being “miserable”.

      And I agree with your comment that Ace’s band is tight. I saw him perform about 9 months or so ago. His band was indeed tight……but Ace himself was sloppy and uninspired as an entertainer, a lead guitarist, and as a vocalist. Ace will always be a legend and a guitar hero for his work with KI$$, but that resume does not give him the right to “phone it in” as a performer.

    5. Rattle,

      I originally wrote something similar, but decided to delete it.

      I completely agree with you, the comments written, were not “hate”ful, nor those sharing their opinions, “miserable.”

      George, you are entitled to your perspective on how you interpret what was written, but I respectfully disagree. If you think those comments were harsh, I suggest you avoid being a moderator for a site. I know what real hateful, bigoted and misogynistic comments are, and what has been expressed on here, maybe be critical, and sarcastic, but far from hateful.

    6. Taylor swift is like the modern day Beatlemania. But in my opinion the music doesn’t hold up.

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