11/21/12: Saw another amazing show with Aerosmith & Cheap Trick last night at a packed Madison Square Garden in NYC. Some new songs in the set for the old school fan last night like “Movin Out” & “Walkin The Dog”. So cool they include some of that stuff for hardcore fans when they have a TON of hits, many they don’t even play live. The band is on fire and were in great spirits backstage as they break for the holiday. Tour resumes in AC this Friday. Do not miss them! Cheap Trick was great also. Going to see them play a headline set in Bethlehem at the Sands this Saturday for a full show. Hope to see some ZZO listeners out there.

Thanks to Joe Perry for coming in to Eddie Trunk Live on Trunk Nation this past Monday. Great 90 minute hang.


I’ll be live this Friday and Monday for the radio shows once again. Also just confirmed 12/14 Peter Criss live in studio for the Q104 show.


Hope everyone has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Thankful to all of you for the support. Have a good one!

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