Former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick was a guest on Eddie’s Sirius/XM show, Trunk Nation, where they discussed the current state of the music industry and older musicians, potentially, having to retire.

Kulick said (via, “The reality of [that the collapse of the touring industr] is very, very real in the sense that it might come down to people making a decision, ‘Well, I don’t wanna retire,’ but if it meant putting my life in jeopardy potentially, I might have to consider that. And I’ve had these conversations — I’m 66 — with people that I respect, from my business guy, the accountant guy, and from friends that are doctors. And no one knows where this is really going is the feedback I get for me. But right now I don’t have to make a decision, so I don’t want to, but if I had to retire in the traditional sense, I’d still be active. But I certainly don’t know the next time it would be safe for me to travel and perform. Maybe even if you’re in your 50s, you might have to look at that differently, because apparently this virus is very confusing, and I know that from the doctors that I know. No one is really immune. The information about this thing has been difficult to keep up with, because it keeps changing, sadly. So I do think that everyone has to learn new ways to be in touch with their fans and do things. Certainly, this idea of a drive-in concert, we know that’s probably the most safe thing you can do, although that doesn’t really sound like a concert to me — that sounds like a movie, with the kids.”

In 1984, the guitarist joined KISS, where he remained as their lead guitarist for more than a decade, accompanying the band on the Animalize tour and continuing with the band until the 1996 reunion tour. Kulick is featured on Kissology – Vol. 2 and Vol. 3, the band’s DVDs spanning KISS’s historic 45-year career.

He joined Grand Funk Railroad in 2000 and continues to perform with the group to this day.

11 Responses

  1. Uncharted territory is where we are. All I can imagine is concerts will have to be live broadcasts without crowds. Pay-per-view is the best alternative until we know more.

    1. I’m all for pay-per-view concerts, anything is better than a drive-in concert! (Eye roll)

    2. Would think artists would have a big screen with a zoom meeting seeing / hearing the fans

    3. Maybe the road crew can be the audience? – Friends, family, etc… of course they’d have to be masked, and gloved, just like Michael Jackson! 😉 Except with 2 gloves! Hehe, hehe ~ shamone! – 5 AM 😉

    4. There’s no reason to pipe in an audience (or laugh track, depending on the band). BBC has been broadcasting in-studio concerts for more than 50 years and has gotten legendary performances from bands ranging from The Beatles to Led Zeppelin to Oasis.

    5. Drive-in concerts? Where will the mosh pit go? Or are we going to just have a demolition derby mosh pit?

    6. I’m not paying for any concert experience other than one I can attend standing shoulder to shoulder with my fellow bangers. I was going to be attending Testament’s concert next week, but that got postponed….no “Into the Pit” for me….

  2. i have been saying this from the jump,.you try to restart an activity like touring and the strain it puts on your body,going from being in motion to stopping all at once for a year or 2 then having to jump right back in at 70 or older is no joke it could kill you. and bands esp like kiss,your playing with fire. i would think that if this goes on for another year or longer kiss wont go back out and pick up the tour.i think they will do the one last show in nyc and call it it a day.if not it wont be pretty to say the least,

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