Don & Jim will be sitting in with me today for my TrunkNation show. LIVE 2-4P ET, replay 9-11P ET on SiriusXM Volume 106. We will discuss albums of the year and more. This is my last live show until next Tuesday. Hope you can join us. And if NJ join us tonight at Dingbatz in Clifton for our annual Christmas party!

2 Responses

  1. Eddie, Don and Jim, greetings from Central New York…great show as usual… love the picks but it’s radio and there is no Jennifer!!! 🙁 Eddie, as fellow UFO freak (and die hard Mets fan) could you look into a “Town Hall” with Kirk and Mike and anyone else influenced by Phil and the boys? I mean, if they can bring in some obscure (IMHO) band like O.A.R. to do a concert on SiriusXm, it would be the closest thing I can think of to showing up at the R&R HOF. I am definitely looking forward to this upcoming tour with Saxon. I already have my tickets for Penn’s Peak so it will be a great way to kick off the Spring and baseball season.
    Later, CC

  2. Ed, bro!
    Ray from manhattan, the 17-year listener.
    The Sirius XM volume show, with Don and Jim, was one of the funniest and most entertaining shows i have ever heard.
    I had some running around to do, so i had to listen to the whole thing on my phone. The only problem is i
    desperately wanted to call in. Kinda hard when you are out and want to keep listening. You guys top 10 were kind of ‘out there,’ so to speak, but of course you have access to more stuff. I was a little let down that Don and Jim didn’t have ‘The Astonishing’ in there. I know your view of Prog, so i wasn’t surprised. I kind of wish you gave some airplay to the 3 of the best on there, ‘The walking shadow,’ ‘Three days,’ and ‘The path that divides.’ Oh well, on that though.
    I couldn’t stop laughing at some points, even though i was on the streets. That caller that ripped Don’s list and comedy – which was a little unneccesary – was hilarious.
    I wanted to yell at Florentine, because i have praised his Boneyard show ‘Metal midgets’ twice on Twitter, but he couldn’t even say thanks. Dude knows his s–t, and i look forward to it every week.
    Anyway, just wanted to tell you how much i enjoyed it.
    Rock on, Ed

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