Still great response rolling in from my podcast with Michael Anthony last week. Amazing early VH stories and his take on the Cherone years real interesting. Can’t not love how real Michael is. Great guy and great conversation. A must for any VH fan!

ALL NEW podcast with Ace Frehley went up today. This has not been heard anywhere else and is only on the podcast. Ace talks Space Invade, R&R Hall induction and of course Kiss. As usual all podcasts are 100% free and available worldwide via www.podcastone.com or subscribe and download on Itunes. Just search The Eddie Trunk Podcast.

Just hung up the phone with Joe Perry. Insanely honored that Joe has asked me to host a Q&A for his book launch signing event 10/7 at Barnes & Noble Union Square in NYC. It will start at 7PM with more details to come. So surreal for me when the guys I grew up with having posters of on my wall ask me to be a part of major events in their career. Have some other cool stuff in the works around this event. More when I can post!

Thoughts to all those who lost loved ones on this tragic day in our history 13 years ago and thanks to all who have worked and continue to work to keep us safe. I was in Las Vegas scheduled to fly home on 9/11 and was stuck there eight extra days before I could get back. Thankful I didn’t lose anyone on that day but so many were not so lucky. Never forget 9/11 and thank you to all who work to make sure it doesn’t happen again in this crazy world we live in.

51 Responses

  1. The Michael Anthony and Night Ranger podcasts are phenomenal. Eddie keep doing what your doing, I support all your endeavors because nobody else does what you do for this music. Cheers!

  2. Van halen is not Van Halen without Mike, period…it was VH with Sammy and No Dave because Mike was still part of it, but his voice is so much a part of the songs that it is really missing live…

  3. I want to hear from Ace about that interview he did with Guitar School in 1993 where he talks about a Eric Carr demo from Trouble Walkin’. Eric was supposed to play on that album but apparently Gene wouldn’t allow it. Ace says in the interview that he was going to put it on his next solo album. Ace, please put this song out. I think it’s called Ready to Rock.

    1. The truth of that story is Gene said no to Carr, and Eric called Ace in tears saying he isn’t allowed to do it. Because we all know that the danger of Eric Carr playing on an Ace record is this: It might usurp all of the greatness out of what Kiss were releasing that year (1989), with such memorable hits and fan favorites as songs like “Read My Body”, “The street giveth and the street taketh away”, “Boomerang”, Cadillac Dreams”, “You love me to hate you”, the list goes on. Woulda been a real blow to the Kiss legend, that’s for sure.

  4. Concerning the Mighty Van Halen. I couldn’t be happier that David and Eddie are back after the dark Van Hagar years. ADKOT picked up right where they left off IMHO, and I can’t wait for more magic. While I do miss Michael Anthony, I’m totally cool with Wolfgang, and I’m glad that Eddie gets to share music with his son. While I’d love to see Michael Anthony back in the fold, I don’t subscribe to the it’s not VH without argument on this one. To me it’s actually more Van Halen than ever.
    That said, I do have an idea that you may or may not have thought of. Bring back Mike, switch Wolfgang to guitar, and bring lots of cleaning supplies to the concerts as our minds will be blown as Eddie, and Wolf fill out all the extra guitar parts that can now be performed live for the first time.

    1. Okay…I could accept both Mike & Wolfgang in the band, however – I’d prefer they let Wolfgang takeover keyboard duties behind the curtain, that way we don’t have to notice that he’s there.

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