Greetings from 3 Forks Montana everyone. Just a quick note to say thank you all for the 50th birthday wishes. It has been overwhelming. Sucks being away from home and the family at the moment but I am lucky to be doing what I love. Hosting a rock festival here tonight anf tomorrow so among friends for sure! Kind of hard to believe I am 50 today. I sure don’t feel it so maybe rock does keep you young! The amount of emails, tweets, posts today has been overwhleming and I truly appreciate every single one. Having been a fan of it and working in it since my teens rock music has literally been my life, and to have all the amazing support from all of you is something I am etrenally grateful for. So thank you ALL for reaching out and supporting what I do. It really does mean a lot to me and I am grateful.

15 Responses

  1. Eddie, I think it’s better to be your age in 2014 (I’m 45 on Aug 20th so I’m not far behind you) than to be 20 in 2014. Hell, look at all the great years you got to live through: the golden age of hard rock and heavy metal! Look what these kids nowadays missed out on that you got to experience: All those legendary bands releasing what are now iconic albums and playing concerts that were true events, MTV playing videos and concerts 24 hours a day, rock bands ruling arenas, rock bands ruling the radio, rock bands ruling MTV, rock bands ruling the Billboard Charts, better tasting beer and soda…. The people who are either teenagers or in their 20’s these days and the generations after them unfortunately will NEVER get to experience the awesomeness you and all of the rest of us in our age group got to experience and I truly feel bad for them. You’re the best and there’s millions of us around the world who owe you a big thanks for what you do for our music and the bands we all love.

  2. Happy 50th Eddie! I am 46 and I agree Hard Rock/Metal DEFINITELY keeps you young! Thank you for keeping the faith and spreading the gospel that is this genre! For without you, Metal sure wouldn’t be as popular and have the exposure, especially with what society calls music, that it currently does. I am a HUGE fan of you podcast and That Metal Show. Had the pleasure of meeting Don, Jim, and yourself at a Chiller convention 2 years ago and it made a even bigger fan! Thanks for all you do and the way you Shout It Out Loud (my Number 1 Rock Anthem of all time)!!!

  3. Happy birthday Eddie, love TMS and all your other work. Got a question for ya.

    I know you always say that you’ve asked pretty much everyone of any relevance to the genre to be on TMS, but have you ever asked Tony Martin to be on? I’d love to get his perspective on that era of Black Sabbath, since it always flies very low under the radar (not to mention his feelings about Tony Iommi).

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