Off to NYC for a live show on SiriusXM 6-10P ET on channel 39 TrunkNation!

My debut podcast launches this Thursday! The Eddie Trunk Podcast is free and available worldwide through Itunes and www.podcastone.com Because this is the debut you will not find it until the first one goes live this Thursday. Then from that point on you can register to get it sent every week. Excited to add this platform and honored to announce my first guests will be Judas Priest! I am taping it today and will ask some questions that came in from you guys via this site. Much going on, gotta run. Follow on Twitter for more. Hope you all had a good weekend.

8 Responses

  1. I’m disappointed that SiriusXM only bothered to add a grand total of 20 minutes from the 7/7/14 Trunk Nation program to the On Demand catalog this week. I understand that they don’t include music since they don’t want to have to pay more for the rights, but where are the other interviews, comments and listener calls you took? Glad to hear the Joey Kramer interview but bummed to miss everything else.

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